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"Oh we stand tall amongst your mighty forests oh Urial, Oh we dance amongst your fields oh Urial, Oh we bleed upon your gilded sands oh Urial. For we live, we love, we bleed, for thee." - Orator Laria

A land covered with vast forests and rolling hills, Londuror is famous as much for its landscapes as it is its people. Known in the elven tongue as "Land of the Tree", Londuror is claimed as the homeland of the Elves and has been ruled by an elven monarchy throughout its history. The dense forests that stretch throughout its land act as natural defenses in hiding elven cities and are home to hundreds of animals and plantlife. Although many races have settled within the grasslands of Londuror in the recent years, these settlements are considered as refugees by the reigning Elven King Aecreas. The Kingdom of Londuror has enacted isolationist policy with dealing of other governments and peoples across Hindria.  


  Though a remote land all its own, it is surrounded by other continents. Nakrazhul and Volksaar border most of Londuror with only the South-east leading to the Ryllkren Ocean. The rest of its shores are shared with Byrinya Sea, which seperates the continents with its waters.


Londuror is a continent with highly diverse elevation. Rolling hills covered with open forests litter the countrysides before they begin to converge on five dense temperate rainforests. This variability in terrain is often guilted towards the five massifs that arose upon Londuror. These masiffs are the main suppliers of the biomes around them, providing fresh water from snow fall and moderating weather. These mountains have been declared as markers for the regions of Londuror, giving easy signs for navigation amongst the inhabitants of the continent.

Localized Phenomena

Londuror is considered to be one of the oldest lands amongst Hindria. The land rises higher from sea level than other continents on average, which adds on to the hilly terrain and the difficulty to traverse across the land.   The fresh water that flows from Londuror's mountains is said to have potent healing powers. Others claim that is has the capability to extend an individual's life, adding on to the mystery of Elves ages' and their mortality.


Londuror has moderately hot summers and cool winters. However, much of Londuror is afflicted by heavy winds from the Byrinya Sea. Weather is fairly stable, allowing for villages to easily prepare for coming seasons throughout the year.

Fauna & Flora

Londuror's foothills are the home of the J'dain stoat, a small ermine mammal that hunts many land raptors that migrate throughout the continent. Their most common prey, the Londrian Sprinter, is a flightless bird that feeds upon the berries of the Phial Ghili bushes. These bushes are a common staple of most herbivores' and inhabitants' diets upon the Londuror.   Within the dense forests, Kamrian Prowlers are king. These illusive large felines maneuver amongst the canopies with ease. Their adaptive hairs can change pattern shapes, to hide from their prey. Velen Apes are their competitors for both territory and food. Though both beasts hunt one another, they have begun to populate opposite regions of the continent. The Velen pines are the majority specie of tree amongst the forests. They are also the main source of bow arms and tool handles amongst elven craftsmen.

Natural Resources

Much of Londuror's people's needs are satisfied by what the dense forests provide. Velen pine supplies much of the continent's timber, while the forest floors is used to grow edible fungi such as the Tyrian Horn as well as raise livestock. The foothills have slowly become formed by refugee settlements for farming and raising cattle.    The multiple mountains that crown Londuror are its source of iron ore and shards. Mount Teyuuna in Northern Londuror, is seen as the most abundant.


Much of Londuror's past is dictated by the archives of the Kingdom of Londuror. The homeland of the Elves, their people found little reason to leave its shores. Though there was a rebellion by a Morthal Vindstotter early in the monarchy's reign, little has troubled the ruling government. Though it does not stop Elves from pioneering into other parts of Hindria, the Kingdom of Londuror did not accept immigrants from other regions until recently, when King Aecreas decreed a rugged immigration policy after the Talon Wars. This opened the gate to human colonies to sprout across the foothills of Hindria in the recent years.
Owning Organization
Inhabiting Species


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