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Hailing from the lush forests of Londuror, Elves reign over their motherland from within their empires of trees and crystals. "Elv", shorthand for "Elv'rani'orus", translates to "People of the Land" in common tongue. Their slender and tall builds give them the agility to traverse the canopies with ease while unique patterns upon their skin provide a natural camoflauge. Often the isolationists, Elves rarely leave from their homeland of Londuror, though secluded hamlets across Thyrina and Nakrazhul have begun to sprout. Elves have the longest natural life span of the known races of Hindria. They value family and deeds accomplished of their lineage throughout history highly. This perception of the self is reflected in their behavior towards other races, leading to them commonly having cold, egotistical personalities. However, once an Elv has deemed others worthy of respect, they will begin to treat an individual as if they were family.

Basic Information


Elves are tall and slender humanoids, allowing for them to maneuver rugged terrain and dense foliage swiftly. Their limbs are remarkably long proportionately to their torsos, with the fingers hanging close to their lower thighs. The bones of elves are unique from all other races, having large pockets of air and cerulean colored marrow within. This skeletal composition is often credited to the lightweight of elves, who often weigh considerably less to other humanoids.

Biological Traits

Elves are distingushed by their long limbs, pointed ears, sharp and narrow facial features, and the varying foliar and arborial patterns upon their skin. These dermal patterns are invisible on infants but begin to form throughout the first decades of their childhood. The design can be predicted by the envrionment that an Elv spends most of their time living in during their adolescent stage. There is no difference in average height or weight between the sexes, often standing at similar stature as orcs at six to seven feet tall. With the unique composition of their skeletal structure, elves are suprisingly light, weighing an average 125 pounds. However, there is much mystery around the aging of elves throughout their lifespan; even more so that there seems to be no knowledge of elves dying of old age. Though there is no known reason for the extended lifespans, most deaths in their race are from disease, death in combat, or ritual suicide known as "Urosmyd'ra". Urosmyd'ra is commonplace in their society, which most individuals make the crossing into the afterlife in their late 300's.

Genetics and Reproduction

Elves reproduce sexually with female pregnancy lasting up to 10 years. This long gestation period is prone to multiple complications from both internal and external elements. Elven pregnancy is prone to miscarriages, due to the rugged lifestyle and living conditions that most elves live. This in turn makes reproduction a luxury in elven society, where the privelege to not work and cleanly accomodations are accessible.   Elves share a common ancestor with humans and orcs, which opens the door to copulation between races though it is intensely difficult to produce offspring. Traits relating to their perception and senses are superior, though are often muted when paired with another species. Their development into maturity is half-lifed as well, their infancy and adolescence stages being closer to the other race's stages of growth.

Growth Rate & Stages

Elves mature much slower than other races, having their infancy developing over the first 25 years of their lives. Adolescence takes the next 70 to 80 years and they reach early adulthood in their low 100s. Elven babies look very similar to humans, as most of their development with their limbs and dermal patterns develop through their adolescence. By their first centennial, most of their growth is complete with any additonal aging being the slow molding of their dermal patterns creating deeper lineations.

Ecology and Habitats

Elves prefer to live within cool or warm climates and settle in densley forested areas. On Londuror, they are able to craft abodes within the thick trunks of the Silverwood trees while those surviving in other parts of Hindria build makeshift cabins from fallen trees or earth shelters in colder regions. A significant abundance of  flora and fauna is a high necessity, where they can use their main method of hunting and gethering as well as fungal farming using compost decaying organics to create mushroom farms.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Elves are omnivorous but mainly vegetarian with most of their diet being mushroom, berries, and fruits. Individuals often fend for themselves, building small gardens and hunting game such as deer, rabbit, and other small animals. They hunt using bow and sling depending on the size of game and are highly resourceful, using as much of an animal as possible for materials and food. If needed, they will salt game and store vegetables in underground shelters.

Biological Cycle

With the uniquely extensive aging process, Elves mature at a slower rate. Their features become sharper as they grow older and their skin patterns finalize by the time they reach adulthood. The complexion of their patterns can tell how old an elf is, the depth of the lining and sharper detailing develpoing with age.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Elven culture highly values accolades of bloodlines, which in turn governs many parts of their society. Head of households are determined by the degree of the grandest act a member of the family has achieved. These feats of success are measured by the honor which the specific deed has brought to the household's reputation. This can be from slaying great beasts, to becoming a renowned healer or entertainer. Commonly these are the eldest members, though it has become more common for aspiring generations to venture off and return with grandious titles and trophies to win their right as head of house. These adventures have acquired the term "Ganaltas" as they grew in occurence since the exposure to the rest of the world. The head of the family leads in spiritual practices, traditions, political representations, and has the final say in any decisions pertaining to where the family lives.   All elvens cities within Londuror's borders are ruled by a congregation of all the heads of house. In turn, this is lead by a Chairo, which again is determined by family renown. Primarily they act as the mediators in discussions and the judge in any trials pertaining to the city. When it comes to representation, the Chairo is responsible to attending any assemblys called by the king of Londuror.   The "Oruschairos", or king, is the highest title of elven society. This is the head of the family with the grandest reputation amongst all cities of Londuror. Though well respected, often an Oruschairos' delegations are to foreign diplomacy and moderation between Chairos when it comes to negotiations amongst territory. Unlike other leadership positions within their culture, an individual can challenge for the position of Oruschairos. This challenge is known as "Anatrama'Orus". When a new Oruschairos is declared, the capital of Londuror then shifts to the city which the new ruler resides.

Facial characteristics

Elven faces are often defined as sharp or "dagger-like". Their eyes are narrow with brows placed close to them. Most elves have round pupild, often colored hazelnut or moss green and take up the majority of their eye. Noses are narrow and flat and rarely have a slight concave curve at the bridge. Thin lips sit upon sharp chins and defined cheekbones tighten the skin around their face, with pointy ears finishing their complexions.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The majority of elves live upon the continent of Londuror, rarely leaving its shores to other parts of the world. Often individuals travel Hindria on journeys of self-accomplishment or "Ganaltas", searching for successes to bring back home. However, some times entire families depart from their homeland's shores, the origin being decision by the head of the family or social exile decreed by the King of Londuror. These emmigratrions have planted elven populations across the forests of Nakrazhul and Thyrina.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Elves are famous for their superior sight and hearing amongst the races, making them excellent archers and hunters. Their vision gives them advantage over great distances, as well as the capability to distinguish fauna amongst dense terrain. Additionally, they can also see within the dark in hues of grays. Elves auditory senses are the highest amongst the races of Hindria, allowing them to pinpoint sounds four times farther than that of a human. Their ability to hear higher frequencies matches that of some Pamyrans, allowing them to notice shifts within nature.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Elven names are a combination of an individual name attached to the end of their family name. Family names derive from the land that their origins are from. This can vary from weather, terrain, animals, and so on. Individual names aren't declared until one has developed into their adolescence. On their 50th birthday the family will host a naming ceremony in where the head of the family will then choose a name for them. These names are often inspired by a personality trait that comes to the forefront of their identity in their early years.

Major Organizations

Kingdom of Londuror

Beauty Ideals

Elven society's idealizations on beauty for both male and females share many similarities as they are a hyper-androgynous culture. They value presenting accomplishments through either adornments or physical features. Hair that is maintained and well-adorned with floral decor and ear piercings of both bone and crystals help present such titles to others. Muscular physiques with low body fat to show off dermal patterns with tanned, olive skin can mark those who are well-ventured. Displaying abdominals or wearing clothing that hugs the body are common methods for individuals to flaunt their figure.

Gender Ideals

Many of the roles and behaviours within elven society is shared between the genders. Both men and women are taught to be staightforward with their communication, often to the dismay of other races coining them as 'blunt' or 'harsh'. Honesty, self-sufficiency, and competitiveness are all taught to be highly valued.    Although elven culture raises their children to achieve self-reliance and to build the legacy of their bloodlines, the evolution of their society after being connected with the rest of the world has steered its men and women into varying career ideologies. Where both originally idolized the pursuit of physical tokens and trophies, elven men are the majority holders. This can range from hunting large beasts for their skulls as trophies, to fabricating the next fashionable dress to allure the eyes of royal courts. Women, on the other hand, have pivoted to commercial and scientific endeavors. Mercantilism and the studies of alchemy and medicine has become the focus of improving the renown of their lineage.

Courtship Ideals

There is no marriage within elven society as elves see the blending of families as corruption of their legacies. Courting is often the precursor to child-rearing within elven society when a woman decides to develop the next generation within the family. During the period they are looking for a mate, female elves will adorn circlets made from Re'tefel branches and paint their neckline with the sigil of their family. They will then approach possible suitors, which are often from a solidified relationship they have made over their lifetime and can vary widely on personal preference. Once they have found a consenting partner, the couple will depart on a pilgrimage to the nearest temple upon one of the mountain ranges on Londuror. Once there, the pair will live together within the temple grounds and drink an aphrodisiac of herbs in a broth of liquid shards which awakens their reproductive organs and ampliefies the carnal desires within them. These pilgrimages are both extensive and costly, often taking six months to a year, and the couple are only allowed to return home once the female is with child. Although, elves requires the male sex for procreation, the offspring will be regarded as part of the female's bloodline within society.

Relationship Ideals

Elves see relationships as a collaboration towards one another's aspirations. In turn this causes friendships to be hard-earned, often with showing prowess in achievments to a standard of one's own discretion. Once these bonds are made, they seldom break. Around family and closely bonded friendships, elves are more open to the expressing of emotions and affection. Their ancestral connection to working towards improving the family's legacy, makes the struggle communal within bloodlines. When it comes to the roles around raising children, the family shares in responsibilities. Allowing the mother to refocus back on her daily life and to promote an environment of togetherness for all members of the family.

Average Technological Level

Elves had mastered the production of bronze tools and written language before their inclusion to the rest of Hindria's peoples. Since then, they have caught up to the rest of the world and have even improved upon some methods. Sharing their knowledge of recycling compost for more nutritious soil for farming and improving upon the durability of weapons through smithing practices have left elven marks on societies across the globe.  

Relationship with Shards

Elves are unique as they are the only intelligent species that can physically interact with Shards in its liquid state. This capability, along with their perspective of it as a spiritual medium, has made their relationship with it as an enhancer of one's abilities. Elves will ingest a small dosage of liquid shard, providing them with supernatural stamina, perception, and strength. This surpassing of their raw capacity could last for only a short time, with their withdrawal having detrimental effects. These harmful repercussions are a taught as a sacred lesson and warning amongst their culture: that help from the divine comes at a cost. This has made the consumption of shards as a taboo amongst their society, though their dependance for it as a catalyst for fertility has kept its place amongst the religious sects.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Elvish language consists of a 20 letter alphabet and relies heavily on vowels for inflection when it comes to wording. Though terms and naming can vary depending on the region of Londuror an Elv has grown up, their written language stems from Northern Londuror. When Miraros united the continent into the Kingdom of Londuror, he standardized written speech to his home region. Thus, elven script often consists of many apostrophes for spacing and the composition of words into larger, more precise terminologies.

Common Etiquette Rules

Etiquette amongst elvish society is built upon the respect towards elvish hierarchy and the representation of one's family. These values promote correctness within relationships, sincerity, cleanliness, and then pursuit of justice and betterment in personal dealings. Throughout their history, elvish codes of ethics and etiquette has stayed stagnant and unswayed by the influence of other cultures.  


Bowing is an act of greeting and is used as a sign of respect towards a peer. There are two types of bowing, formal and informal. Informal consists of bowing through the bending of the waist with a straight back and neck, hands clasped together behind one's back, and eyes closed. These bows are used in situations of family members and solidified relationships, showing respect to a peer. Formal bows are used to address an individual of astounding renown or higher social ranking such as a Chairo or Oruschairos. The act is then performed to include resting on both knees and placing the palms open and face up in one's lap to express stronger sentiments of respect. When dealing with other races or strangers, Elves will often give a slight nod of the head and neck while keeping their eyes locked with the other's gaze.  


Bathing is an essential part of Elven daily routines. The body is doused with a bucket of hot water and is scrubbed with a bar of soap consisting of a mixture of plant and fruit oils. A brush of Silverwood pine is used for tending to the tidying of hair with a sponge to exfoliate any remaining dead skin before rinsing once more with water. Elves avoid bathing in spas and hot springs as they are seen as a means for relaxation.  

Eating and Drinking

Meals are often begun with a prayer worshipping those that had participated in providing the food, along with the Mother Spirit, who's presence is within all living things. It is promoted to completely finish one's meal and to ask for additional servings. However, leaving leftovers is seen as wasteful and those who do not clean their plates are pressured to donate their food to those who are still hungry. Once the meal is finished, the prayer will be recited once more before they tidy up from the feast.   Elvish cutlery consists of a knife, skewer, and ladle. The first two are used to cut food into smaller portions to which they then rack up onto the skewer and eat off of, while the ladle is used for any soups or broth. Food is often served in communal portions and are passed on plates or in bowls that rest on a low wooden or stone table that is sat around.  

Respectful Language

There is a difference in Elven lanuage when addressing superiors, family, friends, and others. The attachment of end terms such as "-hai" or "-han" in naming is used to refer to someone who is of a higher or lower social class relative to the speaker. First names are also only used by family and friends between one another, noting the individual as being a part of the family lineage, and only when trust is earned do they open to diversity of the selves in conversation.

Common Dress Code

The most important piece of any Elve's outfit is their headdressing. They style their hair by weaving pieces of tree phloem and flowers from the forests, putting their hair into braids, buns, or straightened out. Family crests of an Elv will be embellished as an end piece of a bronze hair needle, which they will place within their stylized manes.   Elven attire does not change between the sexes, rather some slight distinctions amongst the differing hierarchies of elvish society. Often these contrasts are dyed fabrics, jewled accessories, and facial make up. Access to higher quality materials are given to those within higher sects of class and rank. Common pieces of clothing includes pants, vests, cloaks, skirts, and jackets. These are made usually by animal leathers, furs, or plant fibers. Elves rarely wear shoes, citing in their beliefs that they must be connected physically to the earth to reap its full beauty. A thick layer of skin also lines the soles of their feet and provides enough durability to traverse the wilds of Hindria unhindered. However, Elves will wear fur boots in snowy regions of the world to avoid potential frostbite.   Formal dresses are worn for occassion of political courts, holidays, and foreign parties. These robes are the most elegant of any elve's wardrobe, usually made of fine silks and ornate cloth. Though both sexes don dresses for such occassions, design varies, as women express their bust with a low cut ending at their mid section while men cover their chests and leave a diamond window for their abdomen to be exposed.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Elves value you their heritage as part of their own lives in the present. Much of their history and culture is preserved in family traditions passed down by the head of houses in an ever expanding tome. These ancestral tomes keep family histories, spiritual practices, and other knowledge pertaining to the legacies of those in the past. These help prove validity of the deeds by a family in case of enacting justice on crimes or tribunals. Tomes pertaining to highly renowned families or the social elite are copied and kept in libraries across Londuror for public access.   Elven families stay within their ancestral homes with multiple generations living within the same abodes. The home also acts as a museum as well, where they hold ancestral artifacts and memorabilia. On a grander scale, the continent of Londuror is seen to be the motherland of all Elvenkind. Hundreds of sites spot the countryside, ranging from natural landscapes to elven ruins. Above all is the Lake of Ele'sun, which has healing waters and is claimed to be where the Elven ancestors made their first steps to civilization.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Common customs amongst elven culture are respecting those with high prestige of title and renown, humming when there is good food, contributing to the family, and bathing before relaxing in a hot spring or spa. Although elven families are with their own unique customs, all elves believe in the Mother Spirit of Londuror. Celebrations around the turn of each season and weeklong festivals of the winter and summer solstices are observed within every city.

Common Taboos

Elven society shuns any desecration of graves or disturbing their resting places. With the duty of extending the family legacy, elves act respectfully to others in public and avoid talking loudly. The consumption of shards for any other purpose besides the pilgrimage of life, where couples ingest a shard-based concoction to amplify their fertility, has become shunned upon. However, many of the upper echelons of society and those deciding to enter the criminal underworlds still deal in the substance.


Elven society throughout history had consisted of secluded villages that dotted the landscape of Londuror. Often opposing tribes would clash over hunting grounds and resources, leading to disputes and bloodshed. Though some banded together in temporary pacts to gain advantage over stronger adversaries, there wasn't any major movement to unite all of elvenkind until Miraros, head of the Orian family, successfully banded together the hamlets within the Auryn Forest and founded the first city of Oriantha. Over the next 50 years he campaigned across the continent until all elven tribes were united under one banner. Achieving his dream, the Kingdom of Londuror was founded and Miraros was proclaimed as the first Oruschairos of Londuror.   Contradictory to the longevity of the elven race, they are the most recent newcomers to the international theater of Hindria. Elves would threaten human and orc explorers off of their homeland's shores up until the forming of the Kingdom of Londuror. Since then, elven society has flourished, with an influx of technology improving the quality of everyday life and generating a surge of elves leaving their homelands to explore the world beyond.

Historical Figures

King Miraros King Aecreas

Common Myths and Legends

Elvish mythos is composed around the origin that Elves were the blessed children of the Mother Spirit of Londuror. Her soul is within the cycle of nature upon the continent, and the land her as her body, providing a bountiful continent for them to flourish. However, the Mother Spirit had seen the Elves grow lazy and fat over the centuries as all of their needs and desires were granted. They would not thank her for the utopia and became unmindful of her solmenity, inevitably leading to her retribution.   Thus, the Mother Spirit rumbled with a rage that would come to be known as "The Fury". The ground quaked and churned, causing floods and landslides, forcing elves to flee into the safety of the forest canopies. This catastrophe almost wiped out the Elven race and desecrated the land, leaving those surviving to fight over scraps. Elves struggled to repopulate, discovering the Mother Spirit's fertility had abandoned them. Since then, "The Fury" taught them never to betray the Mother's love ever again and instilled the Elves with a warning: Never forget where you came from.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Elves have lived through the majority of their existence in isolation upon the continent of Londuror. This has caused them to be very defensive when interacting with the other races of Hindria. Additionally, their culture and spiritual perspective of being blessed descendants of the Mother Spirit makes them egotistical and often seem overly critical of others. However, their opinions change drastically when they learn of the renown of some individuals or groups, often turning to more of their cultural etiquettes. Elves rarely adopt new customs or traditions and will refuse to participate in other religious beliefs.
Their relations with humans and orcs are argued to be the most positive amongst their foreign associations. Having been the first races to come in to contact with them since the formation of the Londurian Kingdom, much of the respect between them had been rooted within the praise of Miraros' words, claiming them as honorable and noble people. Although most Elves are still hesitant to agree with their customs and refuse to cohabitat within orc or human cities, the three races travel, trade and socialize openly with one another.
Elves share a similar opinion towards Giants as Humans. Though curious of their intelligence and ways of life, they tend to keep distant and rarely interact with them. Though neither are hostile towards one another, they are both reasonably wary.
Interactions between Elves and Saarans have only been in times of conflict, when Miraros sent companies of Elvish warriors to help with the security of fleeing human refugees into Nakrazhul and Londuror. For those who returned, they described them as being born from evil spirits and the manifestation of greed and violence. If given the chance, an Elv would choose to subdue a Saaran before it has the chance to confront them.
Even though many of the traditions of their cultures have startling similarities, Elves see many Pamyrans as hot-tempered and barbaric. They keep their interactions short and blunt when dealing with them, keeping only to trade or collaboration when there is no other option. Elves have coined the term "Phiran'Saaran" or "Unshaved Saaran" as a slur towards Pamyrans. Pamyrans are barred from entering the lands of Londuror, unless on extremely unique occassions.
300 - 450 years
Average Height
6' - 7'4"
Average Weight
100 - 150 lbs.
Average Physique
Elves have lean bodies with ectomorphic and androgynous physiques, their skin often a blend of toned muscles and the fine ridging of their dermal patterns. Their hair is varying shades of brunette which they keep around shoulder-length or longer. When it is not loose, they will braid their hair with knots of phloem and flowers as decor. Males can grow facial hair, which they then commonly style to short trims or shaved. Females develop breasts late in their adolescence stages, which are often smaller proportionately to females of other races.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
As Elves mature through their adolescence, they begin to acquire impressions upon their skin. These patterns act as natural camoflauge, mimicking the foliage that surrounds them during this stage in their life. These markings are commonly slight indentations of the skin and in rare occassions discoloration of the skin similar to vitiligo. These designs often become more detailed throught the elves lifestyle, though at a much slower pace once they reach adulthood.
Geographic Distribution


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