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"From the East they came, like a horde of ants looking to conquer a mighty tree. Across the Fynyyks sands, with spears and torches, their selfish acts to claim lands in compensation for their frail hides. Yet on those days when the Scaled Ones rose from the earth, they stood with us. Though I have learned much since those years, I can't help but admire their passion to discover something larger than themselves." - Nyvol of the Inks
Humans are one of the most culturally diverse races of Hindria. Their kingdoms have played an influential role on forming the lands and people across the continents of Thyrina, Pamyria, and Nakrazhul. Most notably amongst their influences is the art of Shardcasting, though much of the knowledge around this craft has been lost since the Shattering. Steadfast and tenacious, they struggle against their short lives in hopes to forge their own legacies and fuel their desire to discover the unknown.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Humans reach adulthood in their late teens and live up to just under a century. Once reaching adulthood, their physiques are usually stockier than Elves and slimmer than Orcs. Additionally, they also stand a foot shorter on average. Men can also grow beards which they style for personal fashion. Human characteristics range vastly across the ethnicities that inhabit Hindria. Their skin tone can be from almost black, to pale white, with hair colors ranging from black to blonde. Eye color is also the most fluctuating amongst the races, varying from browns and greens to blues and silvers.    


Often tall and muscular, Nakrins are known for their imposing and orc-like statures. Hailing from Nakrazhul, they have pale complexions with hair colored blonde to brown. Their eye colors range in blends of greens and blues.  


With builds of moderate and slim stature, Thyrins hail from Central and Northern Thyrina. Their complexions range from fair to tawny and often have brown to black hair. Their eye color is the most diverse, varying from blues, golds, browns and greens.   


Having been forced from their homeland by the Saarans, these refugees are recognized by their dark complexions and silver eyes. Their skin is often a burnt gold to an almost black while their hair colors in subtle hues of browns. Sihlan physiques are commonly broad with a moderate to stout height.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Across the expanse of Hindria, there are multiple cultures that have called different parts of the world home. Humans often specify one another by their region of birth and naming their ethnicities correlated to them. Although most human civilizations are ruled by monarchs or oligarchies, each ethnicity has varying traditions, mythologies, and history that are passed down through the ages.  These governments operate through feudal systems and exchange coins of copper and gold in trades of goods and services.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Humans' versatility makes them survive in some of the harshest conditions. Most comfortable in the warmer climates of Hindria, they have created civilizations in almost every ecosystem. The largest civilizations live on the continents of Nakrazhul and Thyrina, with some small kingdoms and populations in Pamyria and Londuror. Though Volksaar is claimed to be their land of origin, only a select few still live on its eastern peninsula.

Average Intelligence

  • Late Middle Ages Technology
  • Perspective of Shards
  • -Pioneers of Shardcasting   Throughout history, Humans have witnessed multiple golden ages and downfalls of empires. Much of the gathered knowledge has been wiped out since the most recent cataclysm known as the Evisceration. This has sent humanity into a dark age, forcing them to retrace their ancestors' paths.    As one of the most innovative races of Hindria, Humans have invented many of the tools and methods used across the world. In current day, their technological level is similar to that of the late middle ages.   

    Perspective on Shards

    Humans are the pioneers of the technique known as Shardcasting. Having founded the art long ago, Shards are a part of everyday human life. However, much of the knowledge around Shardcasting has been lost since the Evisceration, forcing humanity to rediscover the many dimensions and how Shards were used in the past. Often seen as spiritual catalysts, their cultural significance are usually tied to the local gods or pantheons of the people. This religious association influences how Shards are used within society. Commonly they are amplifiers to everyday life, acting as a focus to provide aid for the wearer.

    Civilization and Culture

    Naming Traditions


    Names often derive from ancestors or gods. If a family member dies during the labor, that child will be named for them if they are of the same sex. Nakrins do not possess surnames, rather a secondary name using a patronymic system.  


    Naming is structured by much of the hierarchy within Thyrin society. Nobles and royalty were the only classes to have formal surnames. These derived from a combination of the mother and father's name. In other sects of society, surnames are replaced by association to one's birthplace. Personal names are inspired by personal characteristics, religious icons, or the name of their father or mother.  


    Sihlan names are extensive, consisting of four unique names: the personal name, father's name, mother's name, and regional name. Personal names are often inspired by animals or plants that symbolize personality traits. This is then followed by the father's personal name and the mother's personal names. Finally, their regional name is the title of the town, village, or city they were born in. If they were born outside of the borders of civilizations, this regional name then diverges to the county or unique region they were born in.

    Major Organizations

    -Kingdoms of Thyrina - - -Kingdom of Pamyria - -Kingdoms of Nakrazhul -
  • Sihlo'dihiir Empire
  • Beauty Ideals


    Beauty in Thyrin society was defined by slender features and fair complexions. Smooth skin with well-groomed hair to frame the face were seen as desirable amongst both sexes. Women pursue defining the curves of their figure with slim waists and rounded breasts and buttocks. Men's beauty wis expressed with maintained beards or mustaches with narrow and toned physiques.


    Beauty standards were viewed equally. Long blond hair and pale complexions were valued highly for both men and women. Sharp jawlines with narrow eyes and lips are highly sought after along with a more diamond-shaped face. Men will often braid their beards with precious metals and tatoo runes that imply power or strength. Women, lacking the capability to grow facial hair, will sometimes design small tatoos on their chins. Dark eye shadow is used by both sexes, to highlight bright blue eyes.


    Smooth olive skin with dark hair and large eyes are typical features in beauty of Sihlan society. Oval faces, full cheeks, and lips are seen as beautiful traits in women. Petite figures with hourglass forms is the peak female physique. Men's beauty contrasts women's with features like sharp noses and jawlines, accompanied with thick hair, eye brows and beards. Worn make-up is often in blacks or browns and used sparingly, if at all.

    Gender Ideals

    -Small cultural differences of freedoms and stereotypes.  


    Though it is common for Thyrin men and women to follow the careers within their families' crafts, there are no restrictions or cultural norms to dictate what someone is allowed to pursue. Women are expected to be modest and gentle while men are allowed to be more expressive when in public. The role of head of households are shared between both the partner, furthermore, positions of leadership are also open to both sexes.  


    Although both men and women are expected to work farmhouse tasks and are accepted in mercenary or military careers, Nakrin society was heavily male-dominate. Many political and leadership roles are exclusive to men. Married women were also viewed to dedicate themselves to being the keeper of the house, overtaking many of the obligations of the husband. Men were then seen to focus on providing the family by any means, though were not restrained from any profession.  


    Gender roles are heavily influenced by scripture in Sihlan culture. The "Etiral" indicates that men and women are spiritually equal. However, this equality is not translated into some aspects of society. Men are always the head of households, representing the family in any political or judicial affairs. War is seen as a man's art, making it shunned upon for a woman to participate in any aspects of military or warfare. Medicine and Shardcasting are seen to be a woman's craft, as they are experts of the body and mind within the Etiral's texts. However, men can train in these arts in apprenticeships but only when they converge into use during battle.   Once married, women are expected to be the caretakers and the men as the protectors. Although men are typically the primary providers, it is not uncommon for a wife to bring home considerable income from their professions.

    Courtship Ideals


    The emotion of love is the main driver of romance within Thyrin society. Tales of knights and damsels in which both would exchange acts of chivalry and devotion for one another became popularized by literature and traveling troubadours. Though fables of love would often evoke sexual fascination and spiritual dedication to one another, marriage and sex are restricted facets of society.   Marriage has been only used for social gain in noble and royal families to gain power within higher society. These unions of families are organized between the head males of each house, arranging sons with daughters. The purity and renown of bloodlines were highly valued, which pressures for the preservation of both a man and woman's virtues. As marriage is reserved for the elite, the restriction on sex is non-existent. Although without limitations, lower-classes of society still stave from sex as religious scripture define consumation as an act to result in childbirth. When a child is born, the couple commonly move in together to a new household.  


    Courting in Nakrin society is rare. Most marriages are discussed between families by the heads of the houses for socioeconomic alliances. Though these negotiations did not include the potential groom or bride, they still required their consent to be finalized. After marriage, the newlyweds build a new extension of the man's ancestral long house to live in.  


    It is encouraged in Sihlan society for both genders to flirt publically when single, though sex outside of wedlock is still heavily forbidden. Courting for the intention of marriage is lead by the woman's family, with the mother and father often arranging a formal date with the bachelor. These dates where the woman's parents pay for a luxurious retreat for the potential couple is known as a "Yaktrabta". Yaktrabta's are usually the final step of the courting process, where after, the man has one lunar cycle of Olus to make a decision to marry or decline.   Marriage is an integral part of Sihlan society for both religious and socioeconomic reasons. The bonding of families is seen as a sacred ceremony of both blood and soul. Once the couple is married, the woman will become part of the man's family, leaving her home and moving in with her husband. With the implications carrying into the afterlife, polygamy and adultery are seen as sacreligious acts, with the punishment of death.

    Major Language Groups and Dialects

    All humans speak variations of the Sihlin language (which sounds similar to English in comparison.). These dialects shifts on region change some slang and annunciation as they are influenced by other cultures or isolation of communities.

    Common Etiquette Rules

    Much of social behavior and ethics are focused around classist systems. The value of one being higher, lower, or equal to another on a cultural scale depending on their economical status, or their profession's prestige.

    Common Dress Code

    Everyday clothing across human cultures is often related to an individuals' occupation, with the quality of fabrics and access to dyes and tailored uniforms varying by the economic status of the individual. Much of fashion is inpsired by the expression of cultural heritage  and is more expressed in formal attire.


    Much of Thyrin commonwealth wear wool or linen clothing for everyday use. Men adorn simple tunics and pants while women have a long gown that was covered by a sleeveless tunic. Most people have one or two pairs of leather boots and a cloak of animal skin or fur that they use for colder seasons. Dyes and better quality of fabrics are signs of those with wealth or religious or prestigious ceremony.     


    Due to the frigid winters and cool summers of Nakrazhul, people would wear more animal furs in their day to day attire. The addition of multiple buckles of iron or brass are used connect heavier articles of clothing. There is no official formal attire in Nakrin culture, rather the use of multi-colored make up and face paints are applied during religious and political ceremonies.  


    Clothing in Sihlan culture is often long and flowing, replicating the smooth dunes that roll across their homelands. Men will wear loose-fitting robes made of linen that splits at the midway of the thigh. Women's attire is slightly longer and more flowing than their male counterparts. Another common distinction is the use of dyes with clothing, with men wearing lighter colors such as yellows, blues, and whites while women will adorn greens, brown, and blacks. Red is saved for person's of political prestige, such as members of the Dihiir Council. Formal dress is similar to common clothing with the addition of an under-layer of silk and the addition of precious gems adorned in jewlery.

    Culture and Cultural Heritage


    Thyrin culture as it is today was molded by teachings of the Etiral isolated from the Sihlan perspectives and the conflicts against Pamyrian natives. The Thyrin dissection of the religious text brought more equality to a broader range of aspects to society. This approach was doubled with the animosity of Pamyrian culture that grew due to their aggressive nature against the human immigrants. Though both races now live in peace, Thyrins are only exposed to a select few of ethnicities of Pamyrians that decided to live on the continent.


    Much of Nakrin culture derives from the unity of early human and orcish heritages. This foundation of cooperation between races has made them one of the most socially progressive cultures in Hindria. The continents rugged conditions and scarce resources has made them a hardy and communal culture, often living in large ancestral houses. Nakrins are often known for their truthfulness, equitability amongst genders, competitive spirits, and indvidualism. Society values feats of strength and courage highly when it comes to determining one's fame.


    Sihlan's are strong nationalists with many of their values supporting the ideals of the empires of yore. Having been driven from their homeland, they preserve their culture and history within songs, clothing, and jewelry. Although Volksaar has been the name of the continent since their golden age, many still insist on referring to it as Sihlo'dihiir, their last dynasty.


    Much of history has told through ruins and text that humans had come from the sands of Sihlo'dihiir early on in Hindria's history. Over two thousand years, humanity had spread across the globe, founding civilizations on Thyrina, Pamyria, and Nakrazhul as well. Humans would interact with Pamyrians and Orks, which would quickly turn to bloodshed as they fought over resources. As time passed, the tired leaders had come to an agreement. Though these declarations of peace had been founded in different times, Pamyrians, Humans, and Orks had found unity and begun to co-habit with one another. Kingdoms rose and fell over time, with the Sihlan Empire rising to be one of the strongest nations in the world.    The Sihlan empire was known for its discoveries in Shardcasting, marrying more rudimentary technologies with Shards and founding an alliance between the Kingdoms of Thyrina and Nakrazhul. This alliance became known as The Ring of Kings, and was a collaboration of national rulers in pursuit of a peaceful world across all peoples. However, this alliance did not last long, as catastrophic event known as The Shattering wiped the Sihlan Empre from existence. Much of the knowledge of their age had been lost, leaving humanity without the means to operate the technology that had been left behind. The Ring of Kings dissolved shortly after as powers began to turn against one another.    Though some kingdoms had joined together to rebuild from the ashes in Sihlo'dihiir, they were challenged in every step by the rising Saaran threat. Unable to withstand the onslaught known as the Talon Wars, many Sihlans were driven out of their homeland to take refuge on other continents. Some had rebuilt within the lands of Northern Pamyria, while others have tried to make a home within the other continents Thyrina and Nakrazhul. To this day, many human kingdoms struggle against one another over land and resources while they continue to rediscover the glory of their pasts.

    Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

    Humans tend to have the most neutral outlook on most races that share Hindria's lands. Much of this opinion comes from the strong political presence that Human kingdoms have. Only in large cities does segregation occur, with cultural similarities condensing into unique districts. They're most familiar with Orcs, who they share similar traditions and customs with. Humans also fought alongside them against the Giants, but many important leaders helped seal a peaceful conclusion between them. This has created a more positive relation between Giants and Nakrins, though discrimination is still common amongst those more surrounded by Orcish influence. Though commonly cohabitating with others harmoniously, humanity's relations with Saarans are hostile. Territorial disputes and skirmishes have created an animosity between the two races.

    Humans & Magic

      Humanity's perspective of shard casting is often tied to religious context. Shard forges are commonly owned and operated by a head of faith or state and are seen as holy sites of pilgrimage for coming-of-age journeys. Being heavily tied religiously also created an open-mindedness to the cultural view of magic as well, allowing its implementation into multiple facets of lifestyles.   From agriculture to smithing, Shard casting is implemented in almost every industry. Individual use of shard casting is regulated, limiting magic to be used as a utility tool. Though most humans have basic understandings of shard casting, learned during Forge pilgrimages or the passing of family knowledge, further education is confined to prestigious schools and churches. Additionally, Government and military powers usually have dedicated branches for shard casters in times of war. Although magic has improved the well-being of humanity, its application to comfortability and ease in society is preserved for the wealthy and powerful.
    67 - 84 years
    Average Height
    5' - 6' 5"
    Average Weight
    120 - 250 lbs
    Geographic Distribution


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