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"One will find themselves in the land around them. Their sweat flowing within rivers, blood painting rocks and trees, and their voices upon the winds. For we lose ourselves in the wild, only for her to guide us to our home within." - Thoruk Briiskbol

Spanning the Eastern hemisphere of Hindria is the continent of Nakrazhul. Its lands stretch from the Ryllkren Ocean to the Temital Ocean. Nakrazhul is home to some of the coldest environments on Hindria, with its central tundras so close to the Silver Expanse, these lands are some of the most unforgiving environments in the world. Reflecting its brutality, Nakrazhul has some of the most bountiful regions for raising animal stock and farming. Its title comes from the Orcish phrase: "Nakra tath'kul Zhul" which translates roughly to "Land of the Lost". The peoples of Nakrazhul consist mostly of Giants, Humans, and Orcs.    


  Due to the unique formation of Nakrazhul, two massive peninsulas define the Eastern and Western ends of the continent. The Cairn Peninsula and Mephis Peninsula reside on the West and East limits of Nakrazhul respectively. There are two large islands that are included within the continent's domain: the Urobos Isle in the East and the Isle of Sirinos in the West. The continent of Londuror neighbors in the South of central Nakrazhul, separated by a large body of water known as the Byrinya Sea. Connected to Volksaar by the Khrita landbridge, the extension of the continent is politically defined by the Human fort of Fanged keep. This strongold resides where the land becomes the thinnest on the southern end of the Khrita landbridge.


Most of Nakrazhul's territory is dominated by vast grasslands and temperate forests, with its central regions turning to tundras as they near the reaches of the Silver Expanse. The Cairn Peninsula is renowned for the K'shra Plains that span between Mount Zhul and Lake Stios. Covered with rolling hills, these plains are plentiful lands that are often acclaimed for producing a wide variety of exotic fruits, which are commonly processed into drinks that are spread amongst elites and royalty. The peninsula is also home to the lone mountain, Mount Zhul. This singular alp towers over the Gur Forest and separates the K'shra and Puk'ta Plains.   Opposite of the Cairn Peninsula, the Mephis Peninsula is home to the largest temperate rainforest on the continent, the Titan Forest. Home to the rare species of trees known to the similar name, the forest covers most of the South-western coast line of the peninsula. The remaining territory consists of the Nophos Grasslands, which the Giants call their home.   The Wynvost Tundras and Plains span most of Central Nakrazhul, ending its eastern reaches at the foot of the Giant's Gate mountain range in the East.

Ecosystem Cycles

Many Human and Orcish settlements living within the Wynvost regions are often established across the coastline of the Byrinya Sea. Some Giant tribes make the pilgrimage across the Giant's Gate mountains as part of their seasonal trade caravan routes.

Localized Phenomena

Nakrazhul is home to H'san Lake, the second largest lake on Hindria. Its eastrern most waters act as a gorge, cutting through the Giant's Gate mountains. Rumor is that the clear waters is home to an ancient sea creature that has mystical powers from its diet of Shards that it feeds upon the lake bed.   Though the Giant's Gate mountains are seen as the definitive border to the land of Giants, some say that the mountains themselves can change, having unwanted travellers lost forever within them.


Nakrazhul's peninsulas are ruled by their temperate climates and short dry seasons. This allows for fertile landscapes to thrive and providing year round productivity of farming and livestock. With most of the central grasslands being in close proximity to the Silver Expanse, these biomes are often partially tundras, with cold weather and short summer seasons.

Fauna & Flora

Much of the wildlife across Nakrazhul consists of grazing hoofed animals and small praire rodents. The Snow-caped deer is the dominant herbivore across the Cairn peninsula and central Nakrazhul. Its natural predator, the Silver wolf are prized for their coats by hunters and poachers alike.    The farther west one goes across the continent, the larger these species become. Across the foothills near Giant's Gate live the Wargs. These bulkier brethern of the Silver Wolf, hunt the Olloto Goats and Cinder Elk that roam the colder regions of Nakrazhul. Some Mountain Trolls have been rumored to steal Warg pups from their packs to domesticate them as hunting partners. The famous Titan Moose, standing a gargantuan 85 feet at the shoulder, lives within the domain of the Giants in the Titan Woods.

Natural Resources

Nakrazhul's Titan Woods in the Mephos Peninsula and the Silverwoods south of Lake Stios are a main source of timber for inhabitants of the continent. Giants often bring large stockpiles of timber from these Titan trees when they travel across the regions to trade. The foothills around Mount Zhul are utilized to grow a varierty of fruits, these are either processed by the hundreds of brewhouses across the peninsula or sold to markets across Hindria. Not only are the fields around Mount Zhul plentiful, the lone alp is abundant with iron and gold desposits deep within its caves.      For the necessity of Shards, few deposits have been found within the Giant's Gate range and in the tundras near the Silver Expanse of central Nakrazhul. Much of the Mephos peninsula is uncharted for Shard deposits as Giants have held them a secret from outsiders.


Much of Nakrazhul's history is covered in the conflicts between Orcs and Giants. The two races fought in multiple of wars over land until it came to a standstill at the foot of the Giant's Gate mountains. This led to a truce between the Orcs and Giants where the leaders of both armies signed the Piketooth Pact, in which both races would work towards finding a peaceful existence with each other. This treaty is still on the mend as only three years after this treaty was signed, Humans arrived across the Khrita landbridge.    This has diverted Orcs to focus on cohabiting with this new race of people who have fled from their homeland. So far, the three races have lived in a delicate harmony, with petty wars over territorial disputes of kingdoms pitting one against the other.
Inhabiting Species


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