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"Lords of the jungles. Abominations, my grandfather had called them. Rotten with pride which they would wrestle their own child and yank the tiniest of morsels from their mouths. If that truly is the case, it is no wonder they get along so well with our kings." - Jenna Marrick-Priscilla
Self-prolcaimed as the oldest race on Hindria, Pamyrans are a vast group of sentient animals with humanoid limbs that dominate the continent of Pamyria. They are the most diverse group of peoples as well, ranging from the tiny Wydyyn Pamyrans, to the gigantic Loxadyyn, they have hides of fur or hair with resilient skin that helps them endure the unforgiving weather of the continent. Their culture values strength and honor as the highest definitions of character, which they use to drive themselves to climb their social hierarchies. However, these pursuits often lead to constant shift in government powers and interests, causing Pamyran society to be more isolationist on the global scene, having only been introduced to the other races of Hindria in the recent ages.

Basic Information


Much of a Pamyrans anatomy is determined by the influence of the subspecies of their parent mammal and the concentration of Shard within their DNA. Bone density is also much heavier in comparison to mammals of similiar species, which allows bi-pedalism and heavier muscle structuring. Physical distinctions such as humanoid limbs and upright posture help determine the intensity of Shard within the individual. This can also affect the length of tails for some subspecies, in some cases, even the full loss of the appendage.

Biological Traits

Pamyran biology stretches across a vast range of traits due to the splendor of subspecies that walk the lands of Hindria. From the slender frames of the Wydyyn, to the colossal Loxadyyn, the ancestral mammal of the sub-species influence the majority of an individual's height, weight, and a variety of physical attributes or disabilities. Females are often larger than their male counterparts, but often have dull coats or hides. Male Pamyrans flaunt elaborate coats with a vast array of colors and patterns. Additionally, males are more dexterous where females compensate with brute force. However, one thing that is stagnant across all Pamyrans is their life expectancy, which averages around 45 to 70 years. This is also in course with the high mortality rate within Pamyran society and the constant territorial and cultural skirmishes that occurs throughout their histories.

Genetics and Reproduction

Reproduction occurs with female pregnancies, often having a gestation period between 10 to 16 months. Unlike their parent mammals, Pamyrans give birth to two or three offspring per reproductive cycles rather than large litters. Although one of the most diverse races when it comes to subspecies, a Pamyran cannot reproduce with other races or even other sub-species.

Growth Rate & Stages

Many Pamyrans have short lifespans, often ranging from 45 to 70 years depending on the subspecies. Infancy is swift, taking six months on average before transitioning to their short adolescence. This developmental stage occurs over the next three to five years which rushes them to adulthood. The majority of their life is stagnant until their final decade, where medical debilitations and health decays rapidly.

Ecology and Habitats

Most Pamyrans prefer humid climates with lush vegetation. Subtropical and Temperate regions of Hindria are where most Pamyrans reside. However, some Pamyrans can live in harsher climates with the assistance of other races such as humans or orcs.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Dietary needs are heavily dictated by the parent mammal. This can range from strictly vegetatian to carnivorous.

Biological Cycle

During infancy and adolescence, Pamyrans wear a soft coat of hair that sheds over the first three years of their life. Often a Pamyran's hide or fur is the most colorful around their half-life. Once in their senior stage of life, their skin will loosen and hairs will gray rapidly. Difficulty with vision is commonplace as their eyes gloss over and medical conditions worsen.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Pamyran societies are organized into city-states or "Prides" that overlook vast territories from a central capital. These are led by a singular leader known as a "Pryym", which often compete with one another for land and resources. On occasion, Prides will join together to form alliances for purposes such as trade or to cooperate in conflicts against a mutual enemy.   Strength is the defining trait on how much of Pamyran social and political status is measured. One's position in society is acknowledged by carved wooden tokens, or "Cryy", that must be adorned publically at all times. Within Pamyran culture, individuals are divided into three castes: Ryyks, Byryy, and Pryym.   Ryyks are the commoners of Pamyran society, consisting of farmers, artisans, warriors, and traders. Ryyks could not own land and would often be employed by members of the Byryy or the local Pryym for their services. In exchange, they would be allowed to live on their employer's estate and were paid based on the quality of their service. If Ryyks underperformed or angered those of higher social standing, they could be exiled and forced to move to another village or city-state.   The second class, known as the Byryy, were the nobility. They often hold religious or political leadership positions and oversee the use of the Pryym's land. This class is ascribed priveleges over Ryyksm such as the right to wear jewelry, fine silks, and consume luxury goods. Byryy families also get access to higher education, allowing them to branch into multiple trades or studies. Early in Pamyran history, Byryy were originally all offspring of a Pryym's mate, making the only possible way to attain the status through hereditary means. This has sinced changed over the centuries as strength had become the primary judge of one's prowess rather than bloodline.   The highest class in Pamyran society is Pryym or Chieftain. Only one Pamyran can hold this status at any given time as they were seen as the sole leader of a tribe, enacting as high shaman and commander. Pryyms have absolute ownership and authority over the land and have the utmost privileges and access over other Pamyrans. They can dictate law, enact taxation and punishments, and exile or permit individuals from their lands. Uniquely, Pryyms are the only individual allowed to participate in polygamy. A Pryym's harem can consist of any individual from any social class. They are delegated as "Pomyyr Pryym" and are allowed special access to luxury goods while in the Pryym's company. Pryyms, must also appoint members of the Byryy to their advisory council or "Pyyr Yban". This council also acts as the primary candidates to become a successor when the current Pryym dies. Upon the a Pryym's death, the Pyyr Yban will participate in a group Myktyst Cryy, in which the victor will become the next Pryym.  

Myktyst Cryy

Often, an individual's position in the social hierarchy could be challenged. These bouts of renown, or "Myktyst Cryy", would be announced by the challenging Pamyr to the other of higher stature. One can only challenge another from a caste directly above their current standing (i.e Ryyks can only challenge Byryy). The two individuals would then dictate a time, place, and trial in which the Myktyst Cryy would commence. Trials could range from tests of endurance, agility, races, or one on one combat to determine the victor. Once the terms had been agreed upon, an observer would be appointed to officiate. Often these observers are local shamans or political officials unassociated to either party of the contest. Both competitors would surrender their tokens to the observer before commencing the challenge. After the Myktyst Cryy is complete and a victor declared, the observer would then offer the respective tokens to the individuals. A second token, known as a "Myktyst Mym", would be given to each individual. These tokens would be attached to their Cryys for two years, providing immunity from further challenges from other peers. There is an exception to the immunity of Myktyst Cryys against a Pryym, which the Myktyst Mym would stay attached for five years.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Most of Pamyran societies have slowly branched outward from the Pamyran Hearth, expanding into the Temital Expanse and the Southern reaches of Thyrina. Pamyran civilizations expand most of the Hearth, the Wyndryn peninsula, and Zyzynyk peninsula. The subspecies of Thyr claims their homeland to originate in the Vydim Grasslands, though this has caused some controversy amongst the mythos of Pamyrans.

Average Intelligence

Though their physique's may differ depending on the influence on Shards within the anatomy, all Pamyrans are highly intelligent. They have learned how to create their own languages and dialects, develop cultures, craft tools, and smith with ores to forge weapons.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Though Pamyran senses are often heightened in comparison to humans, they are dulled attributes of their parent mammals. Some subspecies struggle with vision during daylight hours and require aid by other senses or technologies to navigate in brightly lit areas.    Due to their biological affiliation with Shards, Pamyrans have the capability to detect it in others and in nature. This has made them excellent prospectors in discovering underground rivers and vents for the harvesting of Shard.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Throughout early history, there was no need for naming within Pamyran culture. Individual recognition was cued through scent and adornment of wooden symbols, affiliating them to Prides. Verbal names began to arise once they began to co-habitate with Human cultures. Thus, this makes much of Pamyran naming patterns for personal names to be inspired by Sihlan and Thyrin traditions. However, secondary names are tied to the Pride to which the individual is affiliated with. This can change throughout a Pamyran's lifetime and is also supported by the Cryy token systems.   With spelling, there are no I's or E's in Pamyran written language. These are replaced with singular or double Y's respectable to the letter needing to be replaced. For many influential Pamyrans throughout history, a council of high shamans from five of the largest Prides came together to discuss which titles best fit the individuals in question. This was to help provide clarity with Pamyran history and solidify heroes as recognizable figures in legend.

Beauty Ideals

Pamyran beauty derives from much of the mirrored mating rituals of their parent sub-species. This can range from colorful coats with immaculate patterns or healthy antlers or tusks. Cleanliness is of heavy importance in society as keeping maintenance of one's appearance. The addition of rare gems and metals for jewlery or piercings to compliment one's beauty are also used across all genders.

Gender Ideals

Within Pamyran society, it is a female's position to sire young through their infancy and early adolescence stages. Males do not enter a child's upbringing until it comes to selection in one's career. Instead, they are expected to initiate all courting and mating rituals as well as providing support to their female partner during the pregnancy and upbringing stages. Even with these strict lines on raising young, it is still tolerable for either parents to show affection to their kin in public. Outside of the family, there is little to no differences or limitations between genders in political, social, or career aspirations, as long as they prove their best through strength and determination of their crafts and skills.

Courtship Ideals

Courting in Pamyran culture is centered around mating chapters surrounding Hindria's season cycle. In the early spring months, females will begin to prepare their bodies for child rearing and secrete a pheromone to attract male suitors. As this transpires, Pamyran Prides will host festivals over the course of the next two months. These celebrations have become to be called the Myktyst Radyros, as males will compete in a variety of challenges and bout with each other in pursuit of a female. Males will declare their affections and then compete in tournaments that the females have chosen that could attract their ire. Once the trials are over and females have chosen a suitor, new paired partners will move into the male's home. Current Pryyms have exemptions from the festivities, as is their privelege as sole leader of a Pride. Instead, they are allowed to choose one mate each year to add to their harem. After the festivities have come to a close and partners have been chosen, coupled Pamyrans will move in to the male's home, beginning their lives as a family.

Relationship Ideals

Although any member of Pamyran society can couple with another in a different social class, partners do not adopt their spouse's prestige. When a pair has been successfully coupled after the festivals of Myktyst Radyros, traditional Pamyran relationships last for the remainder of their lives. Males are expected to be the sole providers of a household during their partner's pregnancy and until they are able themselves to return to their previous service. This can also require the male to learn additional skills, to compensate for the absence in the workforce. Outside of child rearing, Pamyran couples work hand in hand, providing assistance to one another's trades. They are allowed to aid in self-grooming, though public displays of affection are commonly shunned as signs of one's frailty.   In the case of Pomyyr Pryyms, they are only bound to the Pryym as long as they hold power. Their sole duty is to provide luxury, pleasure, and children, which often leads to members of the harem to grow lazy. When a new Pryym takes control of a Pride, the harem is dissolved and the individuals must find new mates come the next mating cycle. It is a common courtesy for the Pryym to provide them with housing until the next Myktyst Radyros, though they must fend for themselves when it comes to food.

Average Technological Level

Pamyrans are renowned weavers and farmers. They are noted founders of floating gardens that span acres across the surfaces of manmade reservoirs, providing vast yields of crops. These amphibious fields are unique with removing the need for crop rotations, keeping soil healthy as new silt flows through water cycles between them through elevation and manual stirring with large wooden paddles.   Their superior skills of weaving paired with the application of unique plant fibres found in the jungles of Pamyria, has created a fabric known as "Kyyna Myo". This material is lighter then its other hemp-like goods and has a texture similar to that of silk. Kyyna Myo is highly resistant from being cut or pierced, and is very breathable for warmer climates, making it a highly sought after material in other reaches of Hindria.

Common Etiquette Rules

Though much of Pamyran culture values the pursuit of power and superiority over others, their society also teaches that the ability to control one's self is also a show of strength. Much of this is expressed in how Pamyrans conduct themselves in public spaces and what they teach their children in manners of day to day life. Having a composed deameanor that exudes one's dignity and confidence is expressed through talking calmly, with a low and moderate tone. These traits are also expressed through posture, teaching younglings to walk standing up and to keep their head upwards. Although emotions such as rage, sadness, and love are valued, a lack of control over them is a sign of vulnerablity and frailty.   Pamyrans are taught to value cleanliness, bathing at least once every week and washing after meals. Physical contact is kept to a minimum in public and is reserved to private affairs between couples and their offspring. Bathing is done in the private of one's home, though grooming and the washing of limbs and mouths are tolerated before and after a meal. Eating quickly is shunned upon, as meals are a common time for social bonding within Prides. Consuming drink and food slowly whilst giving proper time to digest and converse with others are expected manners of a Pamyran.   Pamyran greetings are used to exchange the scents of one another. This is done by both parties making two quick 'sniffs' on both sides of the neck, being careful not to brush contact with the other party, after which they will share their name if interacting with another race. Gestures of farewell are light bows of the head and the closing of the eyes. This gesture is also used in motions of appreciation or thanks, paired with a low hum or purr.

Common Dress Code

Within Pamyran culture, the key piece of clothing is a large piece of fabric called a "Tymy". Regardless of gender, all Pamyrans are required to adorn a Tymy when out in public. However, Pamyrans under the age of 5 are not required to wear any clothing, as one's first Tymy is traditionally gifted to them during a Rite of Passage into young adulthood. The garment can be worn in four different styles and commonly uses an individual's Cryy token to pin the fabric together. One method would be to wrap the Tymy behind the waist and tying it in the front, covering the lower regions and leaving the upper body bare, the Pamyran would then adorn their Cryy on a thread around their neck. For most commoners, the Tymy would be wrapped to one side of the wearer, brought under one arm and pinned together over the opposite shoulder using their token. Members of religious or scholarly focuses, are allowed to bring the cloth over the shoulder, instead of tucking it into the arm pit. Only members of the the Prym Yban are allowed to adorn the Tymy over both shoulders, wrapping it multiple times around the neck, or letting it hang behind them and pinning it with their Cryy token.   Tymy is commonly made of cotton, hemp, or Kyyna Myo fibers, which they are able to dye in a variety of colors ranging from blues, greens, and yellows. There are no limitations on use of dyes or patterns of a Pamyran's Tymy, regardless of their social standing. Only members of the Bryy class, warriors, or the Pryym would be allowed to wear any clothing made with Kyyna Myo threads. Additionally, the Pryym and Bryy were allowed to sew small jewels into their Tymy to create patterns and express their prestige within society.  


  Jewlery is commonly worn amongst Pamyrans as way of expressing individuality and wealth. Females tend to adorn bands around the wrists and chokers, while males prefer piercings of the nose and ears. Adorning the body or clothing with valuable gems or metals was restricted for the elite of Pamyran society, leaving the majority of Pamyrans to use rocks, bone, and amber. However, only the Pryym was allowed to adorn headdresses, which were often reserved for religious or political ceremony.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Pamyran culture is heavily built upon the philosophy of the strongest survive. Most of tradition and personal knowledge in early history was passed down verbally from parent to child, only to be lost once a bloodline was wiped out. It wasn't until Myyra Slyvyyr's unification into the first Pride did the exchange and logging of practices begin to form into a universal Pamyran culture. Knowledge would be shared with the Pride's shamans, who would then archive important moments in history, innovations and customs, and also officiate in communal rituals and ceremonies.   Though Pamyrans do not have an official language, they have adapted a method of iconography consisting of over 200 basic symbols. These symbols can be joined together to create logographic combinations for more complex representations of actions, persons, and places. However, some Prides that collaborate with Humans, have recently begun to adopt human orthography in favor of their logographic system.   Pamyran art is commonly expressed within the sewing and weaving of fabrics. Various patterns or iconography, with the mixtures of dyes are used to depict often religious symbolism or historical retellings. Personal customisation of an individual's Tymy is endorsed to express their strengths and feats upon them. Additionally, wooden carvings are used for basic iconography and representing locations such as shops or waypoints. Larger totems are also carved in the likeness of historical or current figures.   A large part of Pamyran society revolves around the celebration of the seasons. Each season represents important stages of a Pamyran's life and spiritual cycles, thus festivals are hosted in the first two weeks at their turns . In the spring, the Myktyst Radyros commences in honor of birth and renewal. This is festival is also used for Pamyrans to court one another and begin the raising of children. The summer festival of the Family, or Maoy Ry, is a celebration focused upon children and the bond between blood. Often Rites of Passage are conducted during these weeks and Pamyrans take a hiatus from work to focus on improving their bond with their mates and offspring. The autumn equinox marks the Kayyamor, the festival of Harvest. Prides will make offerings to the Sky Mother, or show off their honed talents or feats in events of splendor. Around these celebrations, others will bring out the finest food, wares, and artwork that they have accomplished over the year. Often Pamyrans will trade with one another, making this festival an elaborate market and boon to economic splendor within a Pride. Fourthly, is the Mauy Nydy, the Festival of Death. At the turn of winter, Pamyrans will paint upon their homes the symbols of death and challenge. This is to honor the inevitable fate of all and the one thing that no one can defeat. Sacrifices are made at temples to satisfy the god of death during this time. These sacrifices can cary from physical offerings, to promises of ending certain taboos or practices that would be observed by a shaman. These offerings and promises would be severed at the turn of spring the coming year.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Most common amongst Pamyran traditions are the Myktysts. These are cultural challenges that are often tied to either the competition of social class, courting, leadership, and much more. Myktysts often contest two or more Pamyrans is a bout of skill, which is observed by an agreed upon observer or a local shaman. Some common Myktysts include the Myktyst Cryy, Pryym, and Radyro festival.

Common Taboos

Though many priveleges are restricted based upon a Pamyran's social standing, there are some activities that are outlawed and forbidden with most of the civilized Prides. The consumption of another Pamyran is seen as sacrilege, as the blood bond all Pamyrans share from the Sky Mother, regardless of sub-species, recognizes them as kin in all ways but physical.


Pamyran mythology claims the birth of their people being born of a great storm that ravaged the lands of Hindria. This grand storm ripped across the continents, leaving a gentle rain in its wake. The calm showers that followed came to be known as "Mother's Tears" to the Pamyrans. Over the next few years, animals of the continent drank from the blessed rain waters, gradually evolving them into what is now the Pamyran race. Early history notes small packs being formed, destroying portions of wildlife and forestry, their hunger heightened by their rapid evolution. The desecration of the jungles of Pamyria would slow with the discovery of agriculture (around 405 pS) and the first Pride being founded under the leadership of the Panthyran Pamyran, Myyra Slyvyyr (in 623 pS).   Under her rule, Pamyran society flourished for half a century. The first official religion of Pamyr was founded, spreading word of the Sky Mother and the acceptance of the origins of Pamyran society from the rains of "Mother's Tears". The classification using Cryys was legitimized, molding Pamyran society into the caste-focused hierarchy it is today. New farming techniques married with engineering of the land to make artificial lakes, creating floating gardens that enriched crop yields. The influx of resources and the solidifying of religion drastically improved relations with carnivorous and herbivorous Pamyrans. Consequentially, a cultural precedent was created where the consumption of another Pamyran became seen as strictly prohibited on the standing of similar origins from their mythos.   Myyra would die peacefully, ending her reign in (673 pS). Though disagreements had begun swiftly after, with discussions surrounding who would rule in her stead. Sponsored Pamyrans clashed with Myyra's descendants on the challenges that would be included in the Myktyyst Cryy. These disputes led to an attempted coup where a group of noble Pamyrans and heirs attempted to assassinate numerous successors. This event became known as "The Night of Eyes" and would be the catalyst in which Myyra's Pride would be dissolved and the golden age brought to a close. As a result, Myyra's four remaining children took those faithful to them to create their own Prides while some scattered into smaller tribes or roaming gangs. The chaos of the queendom's dissolution also manufactured confusion on the territorial claims of the empire, returning Pamyrans to a time of war. The collection of battles and skirmishes across the theaters of Pamyria were then compiled under one encompassing name, "The Blood Wars". For the next 300 years, the continent of Pamyria would be divided more as the Prides succumbed to constant in-fighting and coups.   The Blood Wars would come to an abrupt end, as human explorers had begun to cross the Temital expanse and South into Pamyria major. With this invasion, many of the Prides would agree to a ceasefire and alliance, turning their efforts into repelling the humans back across the Fyynyks Desert. The majority of Pamyran offences would end in failure, as they would be pushed back to the Saphnyr Mountains, where the jungles of the Pamyran Hearth and the unforgiving bluffs brought the human advance to a screeching halt. Five years would pass until relief would be given and the humans would parlay for a truce. This offer would come shortly after the introduction of a third faction into the conflict, the Saarans.   As it was just a few years before, the Pamyrans would set aside their current bickerings again and turn their fangs against a stronger foe. With the combined forces of Humans and Pamyrans, they would be successful in repelling the Saaran assaults and in finding common ground with Humans. This would pave way for the Chitotlan Accord, where Humans and Pamyrans would formalize their alliance. Additionally, Pamyrans were also guaranteed exclusivity of the island of Chitotlan as territory, causing the first migration to a new land in over a thousand years.   In recent times, Pamyran Prides have returned to the territorial squabbles of their past. Small skirmishes continue to sprout, though some Prides which have had more interaction with Humans, joined together to create alliances for trade of goods. However, the recent discovery of a race known as Thyrins has caused a stir amongst the religious sects of Pamyran society. These animalistic humanoids that descend from the Vydim Mountains and plains of Southern Thyrina have brought question to tales of origin. Though most have denied any affinities with Thyrins, they also are adamant against making affiliations with them. In turn, Thyrins are banned from any Pamyran territories and interaction with them in cohabitated cities are often discriminatory and even at times lead to violence.

Historical Figures

Myyra Slyvyyr was the first Pryym of the Pamyrans and is seen as the matron of courage within the shamanistic circles of society. Having successfully united hundreds of tribes varying of just as many Pamyran sub-species, she carved a path of prosperity from which Pamyran culture is based.

Common Myths and Legends

The Sky Mother is worshipped as the proclaimed creator of all Pamyrans and the god of Water, Life, and Death. Though identified of the female sex, there are no physical depictions as most worship around her is worship to the sky and clouds. The legend of the Mother's Tears is believed that a cataclysm wrought the land, causing earthquakes and storms. As the calamities subsided, the Sky Mother wept for her children, wishing them a better life. In such, she laid her knowledge and magic within her tears. As she mourned, her creations drank from the lakes and rivers imbued with her beauty.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Due to the constant in-fighting between Prides and the bountiful lands of Pamyria, many Pamyrans are often isolated from the rest of the sentient races of the world. In addition, their cultural incentives on strength in combination with their primal, territorial nature, makes them highly confrontational as well. Their recent history with Humans and their alliance to push back the Saaran hordes, helped warm them up to one another. This has made their relations with humans to be on a friendly term. They will often work with, live in the same cities, and allow human visitors into a Pride's domain.   With Orcs and Elves, Pamyrans are on tolerant terms. Much their knowledge around these races comes from dialogues with humans, that often vouch for them as allies. Although they will usually trade and collaborate with orcs and elves, they do not allow them to their Prides without a vouch from a Pamyran or renowned Human.   As their only interaction with Saarans was the mass army that was chasing the Humans out of Volksaar, Pamyrans hold a historical hate against them. Shamans have been successful at spreading the vile deeds of the Saarans, as well rumor of their origin being of a dark god, instilling their animosity. They refuse to converse with any of them, preferring to kill them on the spot.   Thyrins are seen as a race of cursed Pamyrans that followed a trickster god's plot against the Sky Mother in the Pamyran mythology. This makes them discriminatory against all Thyrins, refusing to converse or recognize them on any stance or situation. Any Thyrin caught in Pamyran territory is often killed onsight and have been known to enact violence against them in human cities.

Pamyrans & Shards

Although Pamyrans know of Shards, they often used them only as jewelry for Ryyk. Since their interactions with humans, they have witnessed what the power of Shardcasting can provide on the battlefied, granting them a new perspective on the material. Practices in the methods of crafting Shards and shardcasting has been noted by some Shamans and have decided to confine most of their learnings to the religious sects of society. However, the addition of shards into an individual's Cryy token has begun to spread rapidly amongst Pamyan commonwealth, the strength associated to the stones as a spiritual catalyst. Their understanding of shardcasting is elementary, often limited to small spells or enhancements. Often they link the use of shards to warfare, often imbedding small fragments into weapons or into an individual's claws or tusks. Within the shaman circles, shardcasting is reserved for many spiritual traditions and ceremonies. Most importantly, they use Shards in the communing with the Sky Mother on matters of import or at the behest of a Pryym.
45 - 70 years
Average Height
2' - 8'
Average Weight
10 - 380 lbs.
Average Length
20" - 6'
Geographic Distribution


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