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The Kassian Isles

A ‘free’ state made up of series of isles in the southern seas, governed and controlled by the Kassian court. This 'free' state is home to a selection of pirate Captains and their crews, alongside some other 'civilian' types who have hail from various coves and corners of the world to bring their power, influences and resources together to become a power strong enough to oppose most other nations of the world. Founded on the ideals of freedom, most that are anti monarchist or government make there way to live under the free flags of the Kassian court.  



Notable Figures & Factions

  • Captain Mera Tri - 'The Dancer of the Depths'
  • Captain Sophia Lace - ‘The Mistress of Silk’
  • Captain Blek - 'The Tiny Git of the Tides'
  • Captain Varick Bravehand - 'The Branded-Man'
  • Captain Thes-tusk Sax- ‘The Headsman’
  • Captain McJones - ‘The Dread Sailor’
  • Commodore Trauma - ‘The Brass’

    Key Country Features

    The Jagger Teeth

    Around the cove that the Kraken fort hides within the waters are treaturous and unforgiving. Covered in sharp tides and shallow waters this area has become the last resting place for many crew and their ships. Used as natural defence by both the Court and those who live on the Isle the secret of how to get through these waters is held tight within the ranks of the Captains and First mates of every ship for to realise such a secret would mean the death sentence for such a rat.    

    The Hanging Cliffs

    On the western side of the isle stretches a long wall of white jagged cliffs and water caves. Although naturally beautiful behemoth of nature the cliffs are covered in the remains of various skeletons and remains of; humanoids, beasts, ships and flags that have fallen to the isle. Acting as a final taunt and warning towards those wo seek to come to the Isle uninvited.      

    The Loaded Summit

    Above the Kraken Fortress rises the highest peak of the Kassian Isle. On Top of it however. lies a rather peculiar sight. A large Galleon, its underbelly pierced atop of the mountain summit perfectly balanced on either side, its masts standing tall and a skull and bones flag flying from its mast. Of a night the ship is seen to be lit up for in fact, it's a tavern and a popular one at that with perhaps the most dangerous walk up and walk down of various lifts and ramps a drunken patreon could partake in during a night on the town but there is a quicker way back down, if you’re brave enough.  

    Known Monsters & Creatures


    Water Hags

    Cursed beings, water hags are some of the worst you could run into. Usually found lurking within water caves or around the unsettled coasts at night. Despite their thrail appearance they’re nothing to take lightly.    

    Sea Harpies

    Twisted beings of cruel nature, sea Harpies specifically are rumoured to be some form of cursed twisted murfolk. Almost always seen as half woman half serpent, these creatures lore and prey on sailors from their nests in the cliffs around the isle, overturning small fishing boats and attacking passes by for their own enjoyment and food.    

    Giant Sharks

    Although seen in many places around the oceans, the sharks surrounding the waters of the Kassian isle seem just that little bit bigger when you get close and personal with them. Should you ever have the miss fortune.

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