First Scribe

The First Scribe is the first person who was Elucidated by The All-Seeing Archivist and turned into a Scribe, in exchange for a promise from the Archivist that their stories would never be forgotten. The First Scribe is the founder of the Great Library of Mithra, the first known person to use written language, and the creator of the current timekeeping system, with times since recording began being referred to as the Recorded Era (RE), and times before recording began being referred to as the Forgotten Era (FE).

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In her life before becoming a Scribe, the First Scribe was an elderly grandmother and a storyteller. Nearing the end of her life, she was very concerned that her stories would be forgotten by her grandchildren, and that no one would remain who could tell her stories. The All-Seeing Archivist appeared to her, and offered her a trade. In return for giving up her life, the Archivist would give her a way to record her stories, and to ensure that they would never be forgotten. The woman agreed, and in exchange, the Archivist turned her into the First Scribe, giving her the power to record vast quantities of knowledge.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
First Scribe
At least 9000
Current Residence
Purple with a soft glow (Originally silver)
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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