Gilded Hall

The Gilded Hall is a place of great importance and protection within the walls of The Great Library of Mithra. It is where the Third Scribes conduct and oversee ceremonies of great importance, such as coronations, binding ceremonies (weddings), namings, and even deaths.   When concerning a member of royalty, such events must be governed by a Scribe and no more than two witnesses. As the Library is the home of the Scribes, it is generally seen as best for the ceremonial portion of these events to be conducted in the Gilded Hall of the Library itself, with any relevant grand celebrations (or mournings, in the case of deaths) conducted afterwards in the homeland(s) of those concerned.   Prior to Gelli being wrested from Fae control, such ceremonies would often be conducted under the eye of a Scribe there as well. However, since Gelli has fallen under the control of the Nation of Coteron, these ceremonies have exclusively been conducted in the Gilded Hall of the Library.
Great hall
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