The First Lovers

The myth of the First Lovers is an ancient tale, celebrating the power of true love. It speaks of an eternal bond of love so profound that it drew the attention and blessings of the gods. Central to this myth is the creation of the Anwylf Lily by the The Gnarled One and the blessing of the couple by Amaria, the Elven Goddess of True Love and Destiny. This myth is believed to be rooted in historical truth from a time too ancient for even the Third Scribes to have borne witness to it, and as such many of the details of this myth have shifted over time and across different cultures.


The First Lovers myth narrates the tale of two beings of different backgrounds, an Elf and a Faerie, whose love was unparalleled, enduring any trial or hardship.   According to legend, their love was so pure and unbreakable that it caught the attention of all the gods, who bestowed upon them gifts to honor their bond. The Gnarled One created the Anwylf Lily, symbolizing the purity and endurance of the couple's love. Amaria, moved by their devotion, blessed them with the gift of a child, ensuring their love would transcend generations, while adopting the Anwylf Lily as her own symbol of love.   The myth also prophesizes that the First Lovers will one day be reborn, destined to heal the fractures between the kingdoms through their love once more.

Historical Basis

The myth of the First Lovers is believed rooted in actual events that occurred long ago, before even the birth of the First Scribe and the founding of the Third Scribes. The existence of the Anwylf Lily, a flower not native to the Kingdom of Asmea yet deeply integrated into Elven culture, supports the notion that the myth has a basis in truth. This ancient tale has been passed down through countless generations in the oral history, preserving the essence of a historical reality that shaped the foundations of the kingdoms.


The myth of the First Lovers has permeated various cultures and beliefs, albeit with variations in its telling. The central narrative of their enduring love and the divine gifts they received is widely recognized and celebrated. However, certain aspects of the myth are known or believed only by those who preserve the more intricate details and spiritual significance of the tale.   In particular, the knowledge that the original First Lovers were an Elf and a Faerie is a detail often lost or suppressed in broader retellings, particularly in times of rising anti-Halfkind sentiment. This union between an Elf and a Fae symbolizes a bridge between different backgrounds, emphasizing the myth's message of valuing unity, love, and harmony above all else.   Moreover, the prophecy that the First Lovers will be reborn to heal the fractures between the kingdoms with their love is a lesser-known but profound aspect of the myth. This belief instills hope among those who face the current divisions and conflicts within the world, offering a future where love once again triumphs over discord.   Overall, while the myth of the First Lovers is a cherished narrative, its full depth and spiritual implications are most fully appreciated only by those who hold Amaria's teachings of love over hate close to their hearts. Through centuries, the myth continues to inspire and guide, reminding all of the transcendent power of true love.


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