Historitor 40,000 Daedalus Campaign Timeline

Daedalus Campaign

  • 42001

    30 /10

    30 /10

    Operation Angelus
    Military action

    In orbit of Daedalus IV, the Epsilon battalion took the fight to the greenskins in a brutal close-quarters assault aboard Mercatus Primus, the planet’s primary space port, whereby the legionaries regained control of the port’s defense batteries and safely extracted the planetary governor.

    Daedalus IV
  • 42001

    3 /11

    3 /11

    Operation Hammerfall
    Military: Battle

    With control of the skies restored, a devastating drop pod assault of the planet itself followed, with the 2nd and 3rd battle companies deploying to Constantia city in an attempt to save the last bastion of imperial resistance on Daedalus IV. The shock of the strike was absolute, allowing the legionaries to wipe out the Orks besieging Constantia.

    Daedalus IV
  • 42001

    13 /11

    21 /11

    Scouring of Constantia
    Military action

    The legionaries of the 2nd and 3rd company spent several days clearing the Ork-infested streets and buildings of Constantia city, driving them back to the outer walls.

    Daedalus IV
  • 42001

    22 /11

    Dakkamog Worldsploda's Challenge

    Dakkamog Worldsploda, ork warboss of the Worldsplodaz, reveals himself in a broadcast.

    Daedalus IV
  • 42001

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    24 /11

    Operation First Lightning
    Military: Battle

    2nd company conducts an lightning assault of eastern Prassus to secure food supply silos and destroy squig breeding pens.

    Daedalus IV
  • 42001

    27 /11

    Operation Blazing Trail
    Military: Battle

    The 3rd battle company conducts a lightning raid of ork vehicle maintenance camps in the Prassus region of Daedalus IV.

    Daedalus IV
  • 42001

    29 /11

    Assault on Prassus
    Military: Battle

    Conflict for the Prassus region culminated with the re-taking of Prassus hab city, whereby the 2nd and 3rd battle companies launched a full-scale assault to wipe out its ork occupants.

    Daedalus IV