House Hlethllwyn

With no central location, House Hlethllwyn is traditionally based on a democracy with the Speaker being the representative for the people in each country, of which there are 7. House Hlethlleyn is traditionally a house of elves and magical races which was founded by King Sattrakarl as he and Saint Balthazar were once good friends. Before being cursed, Sattrakarl was well known for the ability to divine questions from the gods and would teach this ability to those important enough to need to know the answers.   The current speakers are: Vinagreet of Jezero, Zynok of Oaer, Cilian of Chebeco, Eridigan of Yoriqiniya, Kurr of The Ashlands, Mirakarta of Ostroalogoth, and Saint Bramblefoot of Rorj.   In game boon: +1 to intelligence and +1 to any other stat, able to divine a question from the gods once per session
Geopolitical, Great house