Hrothlan Tolani

Founder of House Tolani, High King Hrothlan Tolani was never a popular dwarf among dwarves. His ranting prose and love of the arts and in nature aboveground were looked on with digust by many of the dwarf traditionalists, and yet his stature was larger than the mountains he stood on. Hrothlan was also well known for his impartialness in disputes and would always side with justice over feelings. No matter your feelings on Hrothlan himself, his devotion to his people was unmatched by any of his contemporaries and the glint in his eyes could turn a medusa into stone. A magnificent friend of elves and outsiders alike, Hrothlan was the one to negotiate setting up the dwarven strongholds in foreign countries. During The Great Strife of Asmodeus, Hrothlan accompanied Saint Balthazar into hell and was the one to carry his body out. Hrothlan died in the Chromatic Invasion to the Ancient dragon Tyrnin the Two Headed in one of the last major conflicts of the war which greatly ignited the fervor of Jezero into a boil.