House Tolani

Originally based in Ulmog Mal, Hrothlan Tolani was well accustomed to the mountainous region and constructed 5 strongholds across the world: Ingilstram in Jezero, Arandelle in Ostroalogoth, Thuumol in Kamiz , Onyria in Rorj and their faction capitol Amag-a-Kul in Ulmog Mal. Hrothlan was not one to award rank or title due to nepotism but rather to let it be decided on merit and put into dwarven tradition that wherever the high king resides is where the House’s capitol shall be until a new king is decided. He also believed that all 5 holds should have an equal say in the goings of the dwarves and decided that a government would work best if only those 5 holds had any voting power – the high king of course would have special voting rights as well and would act as an arbitrator in disputes. Because of this, the members of House Tolani are best known for their impartialness and ability to discern fact from feeling. In game boon: +1 to constitution and +1 to any other stat, Medal of Achievement from the High King
Geopolitical, Great house