
Kvant occupies an island off the western coast of Jezero. The island juts from the ocean upwards some hundred feet, which brings it equal with the coastal cliff face. A stone bridge connects the island to the mainland, and is the only way to access the city by land. At the base of the island a dock has been constructed all along the perimeter for access by sea. Encircling the cliff face is a cart path that leads to the city proper. Where the island levels out at the top is Kvant proper, with stone walls encircling the town.
  Kvant is a major trading hub and has all the complications that come with such a standing. The docks are filled with smugglers, counterfeiters, and other petty to not-so-petty criminals. Bars, whore houses, and shady businesses line the docks, with the quality (and guard presence) increasing as you ascend up the path. The spiral path around and up to the peak has it's share businesses and residences built into the stone face, or on platforms built to hang over the edge.
  At the peak, the ground levels out and you approach the gates to the city. Guards man the door and require good reason or a good bribe for entrance. Inside the city is a much more respectable facade of commerce, with crimes becoming the more white collar variety. The castle resides on the western edge of the peak overlooking the ocean horizon.
  Within that castle is one of the worst dungeons to exist in Jezero. It goes deep into the stone on the inside of the island, with no one certain just how deep the pits go. The only light that reaches those places is the torchlight of guards throwing just enough scraps to keep the prisoners alive. It is said that Batman resides all the way at the bottom, near to hell itself. In 1186 the Kvant Prison Riot occurred, which caused the release of many convicts, but was said did not reach near the bottom.
  After the Kvant Prison Riot, and it's re-assimilation to the Kingdom of King Alaric, a new lord was placed in charge of the city of Kvant. Lord Maltreb took control and immediately began doling out punishment to all escapees that could be recaptured. Public executions were held daily for months following the riot, and crime within the city proper plummeted. An open bounty is out for any escapees that can be brought back to face justice, with the reward varying based on the severity of the original crime.
Large city