The Inquisition's Scalpel

One of two parties of Inquisitior's from Jezero. Given their name for their tactical precision, the party led by Eryn Phann deals in absolutes with little to no negotiating. Often sent on missions on the order of Mannfred to murder in the name of the king. When this party shows up, their adversaries often know that a fight for their lives is on the line.
  Party consists of Eryn Phann, a accomplished Aasimar Pugilist, specializing in hand to hand combat and spell casting and Bartholomew Hozlof, a veteran Tiefling Sniper - childhood friends from Kvant; Miranda and Anastasia Merriweather, older and younger human sister druids from the woods of Nyarhalothotep; Anceus Hollig, or better known by his nickname "Screaming Thunder", the fastest Centaur in the world, and the shock and awe of the team.