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Diramea (ruins)

A once proud city, torn through by elemental magics, it's people slaughtered and spirits bound to the land upon which they died; Their bones to feed the ground upon which the Ghostwood would grow. Diramea was a powerful self-sustaining city, with a deep underbelly that reached into the ground below for minerals, and elvish spires that seemed to touch the sky. It now lies in ruins, the spires broken, the mines collapsed, and the people bound as ghosts to their once glorious city.   Currently residing deep within Diramea is Kelkoria, the Ghost Council.


Diramea was born out of an unlikely alliance between the elves and drow. The city was built to solidify that alliance and other races soon joined the rising city. Due to the wide arrange of races and skills, the city was able to flourish, creating deep mines with help from the drow and dwarves. The elves and humans creating tall twisting spires and majestic cathedrals. Meanwhile the gnomes and halflings would nurture the plants and animals.

The day of the plananr calamity

Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
elvish, drow, human, halfling, gnome, dwarves
Location under

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