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Magidald, The City of Many Steps (mag-i-dald)

Magidald is a wonder of archeological discoveries and agricultural prowess. As the home of Duke Loreznt and the capital of the Lorelind, this city provides a much needed sense of unity and stability to the budding country.   Magidald is centred in a place of much rain and run-off. The city is constructed on an artificial hill and its streets are constructed to gather rainfall and direct them to fields that cascade away from the city in large artificial steps. The city itself is built on many layers, stairs linking the various levels of the city together. Reservoirs built into the city hold the water for the dry seasons.


The ruling Duke rarely seeks aid from their peers, opting to instead act as a pseudo monarch. The laws are very harsh on criminals that tamper with the water system or the farms. Which makes torching a field as dangerous an offence as mugging an elite. Farmers are subsidized to produce wheat, which is then sold at an enforced market price. Many guilds handle the various task needed to maintain the city, who form a council and elect a grandmaster to parlay with the acting Duke.


Magidald sits deep within friendly territory and is elevated in such a way as to make sieging the walls extremely difficult. The various waterways can be flooded in times of war to wash away enemy forces or destroy their camps.

Industry & Trade

Magidald produces excessive amounts of food and exports up to half of the food it produces. An influx of adventurers and historians allow for the collection and distribution of knowledge that is comparable to the wizards of the south. Heavy mining activity and constant construction provides for a multitude of job. The central location of this city and its recent ascension to capital have necessitated rapid expansion in the guilds who employ all sorts of labor to keep the city functional


Magidald has a robust plumbing system, with many middle class citizens able to afford running water within their homes, and many public fountains which provide clean water from the aqueduct system. There is also a sewage system that flows through the entire city powered by the same aqueduct system. Dozens of watermills surround the city within the Steppeward to provide cheap wheat to the population.


The Sinkhole sits beneath the streets of Magidald, hidden far away from the sun and subject to constant leaks from the rain and canals above. Service tunnels and expansive sewer systems provide the city a natural underbelly and means of traveling far away from the public eye.   The Steppeward sits just outside the city walls, farms of all shapes and sizes sit upon artificially created steppes and flourish from the flow of water given from the city. These farms cascade out in several long stairways, mimicking the shape of the aqueducts and natural drainage of the land around them. Within the Steppeward, land is dedicated to market squares and entertainment districts for businesses that find the extra space worth leaving the city walls.   Dewhold is where most people within the city call home, aqueductsartificialfulfill   Crestmark sits atop of Dewhold, massive, mountain-like towers rising from the streets below to impressive peaks hundreds of feet in the air. Bridges connect these towers and provide ample space for the few elites who can afford to live here. The towers act as government and public service buildings, allowing the public to access the lower floors but constraining the upper floors to the residents of Crestmark. Importantly are the revivor towers, which collect excess rain and pump water from underground to provide water for the aqueducts during the dry season.

Guilds and Factions

The Great Merchant Guild is a unification of all the various merchant guilds with the advent of a foreign trading company called the Merchant's Convoy Association. They adjudicate disputes that deal with trade and foreigners, they enforce fair market prices, and they provide financial aid for budding and struggling craftsmen or merchants. 
The Sanitation Guild provides the important service of maintenance on the aqueducts and sewers. They also dispatch members to keep the streets clean of garbage and collect manure to be distributed to the farmers within the Steppeward.
The Torrent Watch are the guard force who wear distinctive sky-blue tunics. They keep the peace, patrol Dewhold and Steppeward, and ensure the safety of labours on the aqueducts and upper levels of the city.

Natural Resources

The fields surrounding Magidald are filled with massive ruins of a civilization past. These ruins are controlled by the city and adventurers are able to rent exploration rights to try and discover the secrets and treasures within.

The forest at it's side allows it to produce enough wood and within the forest are stone mines to continue the ongoing construction within the city.
Large city
Location under

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