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The Dwarves - Zwergekin

A proud people stout of stature and tall of heart, the Zwergekin are naturally stubborn people, hardy as the stone they are said to have sprouted from. The Dwarves of the mountain, the Zwerge, are creditted with being the first sapient beings to keep a written history. Their records, alongside the elven oral tradition, are cited as the turning point ushering in the First Age of Verdai. The Zwerge did not chronical years, however, choosing instead to tell their history by ancestory. Second Era historians are attempting to make a record of the first era Zwerge to match the modern lunar calender, but run in to resistance gaining access to the records if they themselves are not Zwergekin. With the information gathered from the Zwerge, the first era is believed to be nearly five millenia long.   During the first era, the Zwergekin had fractured into three factions, each gaining their own societal and racial customs. These three are the Zwerge (Mountain Dwarves), Korrdiana (Hill Dwarves), and Sobeñano (Grey Dwarves). Differences between these factions will be detailed within the later sections of this record

Basic Information


Zwergekin are bipedal humanoids with two arms with a wide frame.

Biological Traits

All Zwergekin grow facial hair, regardless of biological sex.

Genetics and Reproduction

Reproduction: Sexual
Gestation: ~7 Months (One Year)

Growth Rate & Stages

Physical maturity begins when a Zwerge begins to grow their beard, usually around 50 years old.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities


Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Adelbert Ada Alex
Dierdirch Dietlinde Chris
Emil Elfriede Eike
Joschka Kornelia Maria
Traugott Swanhild Sigi

Calum Ailis Ainsley
Goraidh Deòiridh Blair
Naecel Lileas Fedelmid
Tasgall Sìne Islay
Torcull Teasag Rory

Almir Adriene Alison
Elton Eliza Carmo
Itamar Eugenia Evangelista
Neymar Larissa Gabi
Thales Thaís Lurdes

Major Organizations

The City of Geinsburg
The Kingdom of Aknir
The Hanan Empire (Disbanded)

Courtship Ideals

A Zwergekins beard is seen as the ulimate point of beauty and courtship. With the glance of a well groomed and purposely styled beard, Zwergekin can determine sex, gender, sexuality, age, and relationship status at a glance. Certain braids can also communicate more complex ideas. A common expression one can read is the subjects favorite drink, making it easy to buy others a round at the tavern. Zwergekin are largely monogamous and stay together for life. As such, many wait until they are in their hundereds before they wed. Being a shameful spot in a family linneage, bastards made up a sizable amount of the Zwerge that left for the surface, eventually becoming Korrdiana.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Common - All
Dwarvish (Mountain) - Zweatsche - Zwerge, Sobeñano
Dwarvish (Hill) - Korrig - Korrdiana
Undercommon - Sob-falar - Sobeñano

Common Taboos

Mating with Elves
Clean Shaven
Crimes against family
Abandoning the clan



Emerging from the stone walls of mountains dug out by stone giants, the first of the Zwerge was said to crawl in the first minutes of their birth, blind as a bat, using the vibrations in the stone floors to see their surroundings. While this point is contested as myth, it is agreed that this first dwarf and their record is the origin of the first era. Dying in childbirth with no name given to them in life, this person was posthumously named Almazwerge, the literal namesake of the Zwergekin. Over the generations of Zwergekin throughout the first era, each Zwerge would tattoo their family tree across their backs over the times of their lives. The branches of the tree would represent their ancestors, extended family, parents, and siblings. The trees trunks representing themselves. And the trees roots being the children the Zwerge had brought into the world. Upon their deaths, the Zwerge's back would be surgically removed, and their skins tanned. These leather tapestries would be preserved and displayed on the Zwerges stone tomb, which itself is etched with the indivduals accomplishments. Those responsible for tanning and preserving the Zwerges family tree were an honored position with high status in dwarven society - higher even than the smiths whos metals kept the structures of the great Zwergen cities strong, or the priests that chanted holy verses. 
In the end of the first era and into the beginning of the second, the Zwerge were known to keep Sobeñani and Bwbach as slaves, digging deeper and deeper under the mountains to continue providing adamantine ore for military efforts during The Eternal Dusk, and to assist rebuilding forts and cities plagued by the violence. After the unification of Verdai under Boudicca, this slavery was outlawed through slow and measured efforts, finally ending fully in 100:2. Despite the passing of generations, ripples of this horror are still felt in Sobeñano and Bwbach civilizations, and a great animosity is held against the Zwerge.

The Korrdiana, or Nilzwerge, as they are known by the Zwerge, are Zwergekin who abandoned the great halls of their ancestors, moving into the surface for a different life. Many of these once Zwerge were criminals and outcasts, but some left on honest means searching for adventure and discovery. The Korrdiana travelled across Verdai, but the most popular areas of settlement were in the Noven Karsts, North and Central Lokrein, and Southern Aknir. About halfway through the first era, a delegation of Korrdiana from Noxithis landed around northern Aknir, where they settled the Hanan Empire. It is disputed if these Korrdiana are descended from the exiled Zwerge of Aknir. After the end of The Eternal Dusk, the Hanan Empire Collapsed, but a new kingdom would emerge. On the orders of Divine Boudicca, Akni Ceineghus moved into the region once known as Righ and settled the land in an effort to drive back the demons pouring from Eleanors wound. This country would become known as Aknir - the most prevelent place to find Korrdiana to this day.
The Korrdiana did not keep history like their mountain counterparts. Instead, it is believed that the Korrdiana are responsible for the creation of parchment, first derived from animal hides, and later through textiles after meeting Bryndians. The Korrdiana are also credited for creating a method of creating incredibly sharp swords while dealing with a lack of material by folding the metal over itself into a thin blade. These would be known as katana, and Masamune was responsible for creating an edge so perfectly sharp that it cut through light, rendering its weilder invisible.


There were exiled Zwerge who wished not to move to the surface of Verdai. These ex-zwerge took their chances with the ancient and unknown Hrimdupr, or were in extreme enough trouble that they were sent to Hrimdupr as a death sentance. Despite the hostile conditions, this set of dwarves persevered, and over time, became the deep dwarves. After encounters with the Fata Trochosa and Bwbach, these dwarves would call themself Sobeñano. Little is known about this reclusive lot. Rumors state that they have built grand cities of pure adamantine. Others state that the Sobeñano were nomads. All accounts agree, however, Hrimdupr would be an overrun hellscape bleeding into the surface world if not for the Sobeñano. For this reason, they would be enslaved by the Zwerge at the end of the first era (as the Zwerge believed they had a right to Sobeñano servitude due to their criminal origins) for use as protection and mining in the depths of Hrimdupr. After slavery was outlawed in 100:2, the Sobeñano had settled deeper in Hrimdupr, abandoning known societies.

Historical Figures

Akni Ceineghus

Common Myths and Legends

Almazwerge, the first Zwergekin, was born from stone walls carved by stone Giants. Blind, she could see through the vibrations within the stone and died in childbirth.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Extremely rare, there are a handful of disputed claims of Half-Dwarves - otherwise, Zwergekin offspring take the race of the dominant genetics - usually full dwarf. Over time and many records of interspecies breeding, the most recent in the line of Akni Ceineghus were Half Orc and Half Elf, but distinctly not Zwergekin.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
300-350 years
Average Height
5' 2"
Average Weight
200 lbs.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Zwerge and Korrdiana:
"Human" flesh tones, pale to dark
Pale grey to deep purple
Geographic Distribution


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