Akkad Expanse

The Akkad expanse is the traditional homelands of the Akkad humans. Made up of regional kingdoms and fiefdoms, the expanse covers patches of territory south of the Outer Odntoceti and some island territories at the edge of the Leviathan Ocean.   Parts of the coast were colonised by the Kurgan civilisation between 100 - 200 DR. At that time the Akkad were largely semi-nomadic humans who co-habited lands with the nomadic Halo Elf clans. Over the intervening centuries the Akkadbegan to coelesce around important trading and resource points, changing from semi-nomadic to a more urbanised population over the centuries.   The self-proclaimed Golden Akkad is a kingdom now on the rise. Having reestablished ties with the Helegu Khaganate, they have rebuilt their military with the assistance of Helegu advisors and Khaganate support. Making extensive use of mercenaries as the the bulk of their army, with the hardcore of Helegu trained veterans, the Golden Akkad is expanding in all directions, bringing other Akkad into the fold whether they want to be or not.   Golden Akkad has no hesitation in using whatever is at hand to their benefit, inclduing the use of gnoll warbands to ravage areas to ravage estates into submission, the use of demons and devils to take out dangerous adversaries and using dangerous poisons to contaminate rivers and water sources.   Great King Saba of the Golden Akkad is rarely seen in public, and when he is he is surrounded by the infamous Akkad deathbringers, magic wielding priests & arcanists and a retinue of supernatural creatures including invisible stalkers, djinn, glooms and Hounds of Tindalos. Feared, rather than loved, Golden Akkad exists only to serve the Great King and his ambitions.

Harbour city of Kori

Akkad Deathbringer

Procession of the Dutiful
Geopolitical, Country
Neighboring Nations


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