Serakka, Kingdom of

The Kingdom of Serakka is a recently emerged power north of Telehetti and Treonol Autocracy. A vassal state of the Helegu Khaganate, the Kingdom of Serakka has emerged as the most influential of the conquered peoples in the Suomara.   The kingdom began as a small vassal nation to the Helegu on the coast of the The Odontoceti and increased its influence in the regional power vacuum left behind after the Helegu destroyed the major powers of the Suomara.   Sundiata of Serakka led a revolt against Helegu rule in 1430 DR that while ultimately unsuccessful, did compel the Helegu to acknowledge Serakka as an independent state with tributary status only, and not as a full vassal state.     By cooperating closely with the Helegu and by collecting tribute and taxes from other states on their behalf, Serakka has continued to gain regional ascendancy, particularly over Serakka's chief rival, the western state of Umon, which rebelled against the Roaring Host in 1460. The uprising was subdued by the joint forces of Serakka and Helegu, led by the Serakkan Prince Banja, who quickly occupied the territory on behalf of the Helegu. Using mercenaries, dark magic and releasing gnoll raiders to terrorise outlying regions, Banja quickly crushed any resistance to the Helegu, but also to establish his own power in the region.   With the bulk of the Roaring Host power being used to to secure its interests in the greater pan-Helegu conflict that has now engulfed the steppe empire, Serakka has declared itself a king under the ruler King Banja II (son of the Prince Banja who put down the Umon uprising), and while still a tribute state of the helegu is no longer a fully bound vassal state.

Founding Date
1430 DR
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Client state / puppet state
Economic System


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