Zaxary Tom and Mayzon

Zaxary Tom
  • Weapons Master in Jaxer’s Court and head of Jaxer's personal security detail
  • Very suspicious of outsiders and incredibly perceptive
  • Secretly a member of the Argeant Cabalists, Zaxary has made many of their enemies "disappear" over the years
  • Fought the BMG inside Slon and was last seen shielding Johhny Favourite rom the battle
  • One of Johnny Favourite's bodyguards
  • Was assigned to keep an eye on Dwayne during his time on the Skyworlds
  • Was killed in the fighting with the BMG, but was last seen being carried away by an Earth Elemental summoned by Johnny Favourite

Current Residence
Slon Palace, Serpens Zephyrus
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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