
The Dread Lords formed in the death throes of the previous multiverse and are older than any other thing or being in existence, including the Elder Gods. Clinging on to the final fragment of the original quanti containing the final 169 cosmic beings, what would become the Dread Lords hitched a ride into the new multiverse when it spontaneously formed.

The other Dread have formed slowly in the Void using what remains of the previous multiverse to form around the Dread Lords.
All Dread dwell in the Void and are rarely far from the event horizon of the Nothing. They are one of the few beings that can enter the Nothing and seem to do so for brief periods for purposes of contemplation and regenerating. The Dread Lords are not confined to the Void, but like all beings of the Spaces find it far easier to enter the planes during discontinuance events. Being outside of the Void cause a Dread Lord to:
  • react violently with existence; and
  • become unstable very quickly; and
  • suffer great agony; and
  • incinerate their immediate surrounds to reduce their suffering.
Being born of previous existence, at their core the Dread Lords embody pure anti-existence.
They contain no empathy and have no care except for themselves.
Dread Lords are powerful cosmic beings of intense cunning who do not feel the passing of time.

Ultimately the Dread Lords seek to bring about the disintegration of this reality. Arcanaists and sages have suggested that this may be in the belief that they will be the only survivors in the real nothing and can exist for all eternity in an unchanging, dead universe. Others have speculated that even if a new reality comes into existence the Dread Lords will be able to survive as many iterations as required until there is a reality they can dwell live in and control.  

Dread Flyer

Small dread, chaotic evil
Armor Class: AC 17 (Dex +7) (see below for disadvantage)
Hit Points: 33
Speed: , fly: 100 ft


10 +0


24 +7


16 +3


6 -2


8 -1


8 -1

Skills: Perception +1
Damage Resistances: Force, Phantom Energy
Condition Immunities: Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Frightened, Incapacitated, Poisoned, Unconscious
Senses: Darkvision 180"

• Magic Resistance: advantage on all saves vs magic
• Attacks with missile weapons against Dread Flyer are made with disadvantage
• Dread Form: can enter enemy territory and stop there, can squeeze through gaps as narrow as 1 inch
• Minimal retaliation: attacks of opportunity made with disadvantage
• Dread Incursion: when a creature damages the Dread Replicate it must make DC 12 wisdom save or be frightened until the end of creature’s next turn


• Dread Bolt range 90”, +9 hit 3d4 phantom energy damage (recharge 6 on d6 or
• Dread strike +2 hit, d6 magical slashing damage +d4 phantom energy damage (recharge 5-6 on d6)
• Gain advantage as long as it moves at least 60” in a straight line

Dread Beast

Medium dread, chaotic evil
Armor Class: AC 17 (Nat +4, Dex +3)
Hit Points: 55
Speed: 40 ft , fly: 30 ft


16 +3


17 +3


4 -3


8 -1


11 +0


-1 -6

Skills: Perception +3
Damage Resistances: Force, Phantom Energy + 3x energy types randomly determined at the start of each round, 5-6 on a d6 non-magical piercing, bludgeoning or slashing damage
Condition Immunities: Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Frightened, Incapacitated, Poisoned, Unconscious
Senses: AC 17 (Nat +4, Dex +3)

  • Magic Resistance: advantage on all saves vs magic
  • Dread Form: can enter enemy territory and stop there, can squeeze through gaps as narrow as 1 inch
  • Minimal retaliation: attacks of opportunity made with disadvantage
  • Dread Incursion: when a creature damages the Dread Replicate it must make DC 12 wisdom save or be frightened until the end of creature’s next turn


2x Multiattack

  • Dread Blast reach radius 5”, +6 hit 2d8+3 damage (magical bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing) + all within 5” d8+3 phantom energy damage.

Dread Replicate

Medium dread, chaotic evil
Armor Class: AC 19 (Nat +5, Dex +4)
Hit Points: 129
Speed: 29 ft , fly: 50 ft


18 +4


18 +4


16 +3


14 +2


18 +4


12 +1

Skills: Perception +8
Damage Resistances: 3x energy types randomly determined start of each turn (may select energy type from damage taken previous round), non-magical piercing, bludgeoning or slashing damage
Damage Immunities: Force, Phantom Energy
Condition Immunities: Condition Immunities: Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Frightened, Incapacitated, Poisoned, Unconscious
Senses: Dark vision 180"

  • Magic Resistance: advantage on all saves vs magic
  • If hit with melee weapon, possessor of melee weapon must make strength save DC 16 or weapon is attached to Dread Replicate, can use a full action to remove it
  • Dread Form: can enter enemy territory and stop there, can squeeze through gaps as narrow as 1 inch
  • No retaliation: does not provoke attacks of opportunity
  • Dread Invasion: when a creature damages the Dread Replicate it must make DC 16 wisdom save or be affected by dread killer spell (frightened and takes 3d10 most susceptible damage type)


2x Multiattack

  • Dread Blast reach radius 5”, +8 hit 3d8+3 damage (most susceptible damage type) + d8+3 phantom energy damage.

Dread Sentinel

Large dread, chaotic evil
Armor Class: AC 21 (Nat +10, Dex +1)
Hit Points: 150
Speed: 30 ft , fly: 40 ft


22 +6


12 +1


16 +3


8 -1


18 +4


8 -1

Skills: Perception +12
Alert: +5 initiative
Alert: Cannot be surprised
Alert: Other creatures do not gain advantage due to being hidden from Dread Sentinel
Damage Resistances: All energy damage types, non-magical piercing, bludgeoning or slashing damage
Damage Immunities: Force, Phantom Energy
Senses: See Invisible
Darkvision 360”
Telepathic link with Dread Lords on same plane of existence

  • Magic Resistance: advantage on all saves vs magic
  • No retaliation: does not provoke attacks of opportunity


Multiattack (x2)

  • Dread Slam reach +10 hit 3d12+6 damage (magical bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing) + all with 5” d12+6 phantom energy damage
  • Strength save DC18 when hit or knocked back 10”, speed reduced to 0” + prone
  • Critical 19-20 and creatures automatically knocked back 10”, speed reduced to 0” + prone
  • Molasses cone attack range 180” DC 16 wisdom save or affected by slow spell and reduce all stats by 2 (5-6 on d6 recharge)


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