Great Old Ones

  • The husks of the first Elder Gods to go Hypernova served 2 functions, one of which was the process of neogenesis that gave rise to the Great Old Ones and continued to power the cosmos
  • The Great Old Ones were enemy and parasite to the Elder Gods, feasting on their energy
  • The Great Old Ones typically dwell near the Great Beyond, however during Major Discontinuance Events when they are free to wander the multiverse or if they are freed by means of powerful magic at other times.

War with Atlantis
  • There are gigantic sigils bursting with equivalent power left on the world by the Elder Gods, Destroyers, Titans and Great Old Ones from early elder days.
  • So feared were the Great Old Ones, that a cache of artefacts were created by the last inhabitants of Atlantis in preparation for the inevitable final war with the Great Old Ones
  • Some 250,000 years ago, an allegiance of the Great Old Ones emerged seeking to draw off Hecate’s power. Their army of Titans and other minions attacked Atlantis in a colossal war that saw Atlantis defending itself with uber-level spells, Apocalypse-class artifacts and cosmic beings of their own. Ultimately the war shattered Atlantis leaving behind only the Atlantis core and a broken remnants of its higher levels.
  • As a result of specific uber-level spells and the detonation of the apocolypse class artefact, the Infinity Conjoiner, all Great Old Ones in existence are now actively repelled by Atlantis. Any Great Old One or Titan that gets remotely close or uses divination related to Atlantis experiences immeasurable pain and can not see or experience Atlantis.
  • The Great Old Ones involved in the assault of Atlantis were/are:
  • ● Yozhiognnith - destroyed
    ● Detlatl - destroyed
    ● C'thithri - destroyed
    ● Trugnn'vhiss - severely damaged
    ● Zhilli – severely damaged
    ● Z'actoxz – severely damaged
    ● Aguiggdarc – lightly damaged

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