Karsus Chella

  • Karsus Chella is a Great Old One who draws its power from the Horned God
  • The remaining non-undead Alin have made a pact of servitude with Karsus Tchella to survive the many horrors of the homeworlds
  • With the major discontinuance event now occurring, and the Alin mounting an exodus to Holocene, Karsus Chella is using the Alin, the many Horned God cults and other sects including the Wraith Accord to step foot in the material world one more time
  • The Sundial Warden of the Solar Storm went into a coma when his mind travelled to a future where Karsus Chella arrived on Holocene, and BMG travelled to the Holocene Fortress and prevented the preferred arrival place for the Alin and ultimately the Great Old One.
  • All recognise however that this has only forestalled the arrival, not prevented it.
  • Other powerful secret societies are aware of a dangerous future dread, even if they haven't all yet foreseen the exact nature of the arrival.

Foreseen by the Sundial's Warden


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