Human Ethnicities of Hadean

Humans are the most common and prolific hominds on Hadean, forming the backbone of many major civilisations.   With the carnage that accompanied the fall of Carkade Empire and expulsion of the Alin Empire the hominid populations of Hadean were reduced to such levels that hominds became functionally extinct in large parts of the continent, and was reduced to a fraction of pre-fall numbers on other parts.   The upheavel impacted populations that were spared the worst of the carnage, and many groups dispersed due to simple scarcity of esssential resources in the millenium immediately following the fall. in the 6,000 years after the fall of Carkade, have still recovered to the population pre-fall.   This dispersal gave rise to many isolated populations which in turn gave rise to many hominid (and in particular) human ethnicities.   In addition in Chondathans, Illuskans, Calishites and Tethyrians who have more recently migrated from Faeurn to Hadean, the following human ethnicities are found across Hadean:  
  • Akkad
  • Ceren
  • Hausan
  • Jayan
  • Kolis
  • Mossi
  • Rashari
  • Sarpadian
  • Semud
  • Surmean
  • Talinessee
  • Telehetti

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