Carkade Empire

  • Carkade crumbled as a civilisation so long ago (6,000 years ago) even the elves know them only as a name and from their ruins, scattered across the world.
  • The Elite of Carkade were an elder race of humans whose culture at its height were obsessed with death and sacrifice. The Gods and Goddesses of Death and Destruction were elevated, feared, revered and worshipped during their reign.
  • Carkade had a strong tradition of seeking out the forbidden and unknown including contacting powerful beings in the cosmos in an eternal search for power and glory (including making pacts, providing service, learning from, allying and alternately opposing).
  • The Elder God Ammutseba was one such being that a Carkade faction was in thrall to and created a widespread cult around. Contact with Ammutseba was one reason Carkade magicians were so powerful in necromantic magic.
  • Cruel subjugation, enslavement and mass sacrifice were the fate of most Carkade foes.
  • Huge step pyramids were the architectural centres of Carkade religious and sacrificial life.

Contact between Carkade and Alin
  • A race that the Carkade sought contact with were the Alin. The Star Seekers (powerful mystical magician elite) became “the Patrons” of some of the Carkade factions. This introduced well entrenched cults dedicated to Horned God to the world of Faerun and well-established cults dedicated to Ammutseba to the Alin. Terror and death across worlds followed.
  • An arrogant race, Carkade were ultimately brought low when caught up in a conflict between their Alin Empire patrons and a swathe of their Alin patrons’ enemies.
  • War, death and destruction on a colossal scale quickly found the Carkade homelands.

The Mummys of Carkade
  • Faced with an existential crisis the elite who were secret members of the Cult of Ammutseba made a pact with the Elder God. While the rest of their race, lands, cities and culture were immolated, the elite and important servants were saved from oblivion with the gift of immortality. Through the Exanimate Ritual they were turned into undead - the mummies of Carkade created from the elite, lesser undead from the servants and shades & shadows from the slaves.
  • The King and Queen became immensely powerful Mummy Royalty, the inner circle of prominent and powerful nobles became Mummy Lords, other nobility became Mummy Nobles while servants and some others were transformed into normal mummies and other undead of varying stability.
  • Put into stasis deep beneath the ruins of their great houses and then set adrift in the time the cracks between space and time), the Mummies of Carkade were awaiting the summons from the Elder God Ammutseba.

Royal Houses (Carkade zenith)
  • Jaguar
  • Terror Bird
  • Arbartus
  • Capybara
  • Anaconda
  • Smilodon
  • Mastodon
  • Cave Bear
  • Glyptodont
  • Hippidion
  • Toxodon
  • Characin
  • Eagle

Articles under Carkade Empire


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