Hunaphu, Carkade Mummy Lord of the Terror Bird Royal House

Hunaphu is a Carkade Mummy Lord who has emerged from the Time Void and reclaimed the now resplendent Pocyoh Pyramid complex in the name of the Terror Bird Royal House.   Since her emergence from the Time Void she has constantly attended by her lesser undead Alin servants and her undead Carkade honour guard. Her consort is the demigod Colopo, Undead Carkade Demigod, while the high priest who connects her to the Elder Gods is High Priest Kinto Kimil.   The BMG have observed that is now fully flesh and continues to call forward remnants of undead Carkade as the core of her army at Pocyoh.  Her constant attendants include Undead Alin, Spartoi bodyguards, Carkade elderday magicians and other representatives of the great undead.   She has been assembling an army of the undead since her re-emergence 5 years ago, the size and power of which are unknown. Like all Mummy Lords and Ladies of Carkade she is awaiting the call of the Carkade Emperor.   She is now in residence at the re-established City of Terror Birds.


Hunaphu, Carkade Mummy Lord of the Terror Bird Royal House

lady superior

Towards Colopo, Undead Carkade Demigod


Colopo, Undead Carkade Demigod


Towards Hunaphu, Carkade Mummy Lord of the Terror Bird Royal House


Hunaphu, Carkade Mummy Lord of the Terror Bird Royal House

lady superior

Towards High Priest Kinto Kimil


High Priest Kinto Kimil

high priest

Towards Hunaphu, Carkade Mummy Lord of the Terror Bird Royal House



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