High Priest Kinto Kimil

High Priest, Destroyer of the undeserving and invisible

High Priest Kinto Kimil is the divine intermediary between the Carkade Mummy Lady Huanphu and the Elder God Ammutseba.   Kinto is an lich priest of immense power and when alive served in the court of the last 2 Carkade Emperors.  In the modern era he is connected the Terror Bird Royal House.    

Kinyo Kimil

Medium undead,
Armor Class: AC 21 (Natural Armour + Dexterity + Unnatural Deflection)
Hit Points: 260 (30d8 + 90 +30*)
Speed: 40 ft


12 +1


16 +3


16 +3


20 +5


22 +6


21 +5

Saving Throws: Constitution +10, Wisdom +13, Intelligence +12
  • Religion +12
  • Arcana +12
  • Insight +13
  • Perception +13
  • Persuasion +13
Damage Resistances: Necrotic, Cold, Lightning
Damage Immunities: Poison, Non-magical piercing bludgeoning and slashing
Condition Immunities: Charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralysed, poisoned
  • Truesight 120"
Languages: Alin, Carkade, Common, Draconic, Primordial
Proficiency Bonus: +7

Elderdays Caster; 50 spells known:
Cs (7)
L1 (5)
L2 (4)
L3 (4)
L4 (4)
L5 (4)
L6 (3)
L7 (3)
L8 (2)
L9 (2)
L10 (1)
L11 (1)
L12 (1)
+2 spell attack roll while possessing Talisman of Ultimate Evil

Advantage on savings throws against turning   Feat (Mobile):

  • Speed increased by 10 feet.
  • When Dash action is used, difficult terrain doesn't cost you extra movement on that turn.
  • When Melee attack is made against a creature, Kimil don't provoke opportunity attacks from that creature for the rest of the turn, whether he hits or not.
  Rejuvenation – Regains a new body with d10 days of being destroyed next to his phylactery   Legendary Save (can choose to save 3x failed saves between long rests)


  • Paralysing Touch, magic spell attack, +13 to hit, range 10”, 4d6 cold damage and DC 21 constitution savings throw or target is paralysed for 1 minute – can save at the end of each turn to remove effect
  • When using melee attack, no AOO provoked

Bonus Actions

  • Rotted Aura; at the end of Kimil's turn if Kimil wishes it, all non-undead within 10" take 6d+7 necrotic damage and all non-undead take 7 necrotic damage (no savings throw)


  • Titanis Deflection; 3x between long rests add d4+2 AC unnatural deflection bonus

Legendary Actions

  • 1 action; Cast a cantrip
  • 2 actions; Paralysing Touch
  • 2 actions; Frightening Gaze, target within 20” must save Wisdom DC 21 or be frightened for 1 minute– can save at the end of each turn to remove effect
  • 3 actions; Disrupt Life, all creatures within 30” take 6d6 necrotic damage on a failed DC18 constitution savings throw or half on a successful save

Usual Tactics

Known Magic Items:

  • Shadowfel Mantle*
  • Shadowfel Shard
  • Ammutseba's Codex*
  • Sphere of Annihilation
  • Ring of Necrotic Command*
  • Talisman of Ultimate Evil
  • Horns of Warning
  • Ammutseba's Clay Mask* (artefact)
  • Ampato's Wrappings* (artefact)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lich, undead


Hunaphu, Carkade Mummy Lord of the Terror Bird Royal House

lady superior

Towards High Priest Kinto Kimil


High Priest Kinto Kimil

high priest

Towards Hunaphu, Carkade Mummy Lord of the Terror Bird Royal House


Lawful Very Evil
Current Status
Exists for Carkade hegemony
Current Location
Circumstances of Death
Time Ritual of Ammutesba
Current Residence
Pocyoh Pyramid
Quotes & Catchphrases
"We have exterminated 50 million to please the gods and we will exterminate 50 million more as needed"
  • quote attributed to Kinto Kimil on a broken stela kept in the Waterdeep College
  • Belief/Deity
    Carkade Pantheon
    Aligned Organization
    Other Affiliations


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