
  • Huge linked caravans exceeding 60ft in length wheeled about by massive paraceratherium by large multi-generational Janto trader clans. They travel the length of the eastern coast and frequently join up with their fleets in secret ports.
  • The different trader clans compete, internally the families vie for high status and engage in an endless cycle of politicking and power plays.
  • Title to trade and clan property resides with the headman, who holds it in the name of the community, although family proprietors enjoy the use of Clan goods if they actively support Clan activities
  • Janto present as half-elven race with mocha coloured skin and more pronounced epicanthic folds than other half-elves.
  • The headman of each clan is a boss.
  • Clan Names:
        - Clan Crokuz - Boss Jari
        - Clan Tegbotho - Boss Necan
        - Clan Zentarkis - Boss Tinto
        - Tethys Ruin (spiritual order of Janto) - Boss Yang
  Watery Ancestral memories
  • All Janto undergo a coming of age ritual where they are doused in the watery memories of their ancestors.
Planquin Convocation
  • Boss Yang of Tethys Ruin, was a witness at the Palanquin Convocation:
  •     "You have all forgotten
        But we know what follows in the discontinuing wake of the Elder Gods
        We would trade the hidden past for the undiscovered country.."
  • The SRG saved Boss Jari from an assassination attempt by killers hired by his nephew and were then also instrumental in capturing his nephew for interrogation and punishment according to Janto law
  • As a reward those SRG members were awarded the blessing of Jari
  • Boss Jari and Clan Crokuz took the SRG from the city of Maa to the foothills of the Chalklands in days, when the journey should have taken weeks (at a minimum)
  • At the end of the journey a number of exchanges took place which lead to the following:
        - Ophion was betrothed to Boss Jari's granddaughter 
        - Kunoh was given what would later prove to be an ancestral sword of the Dolg Catar
        - The Professor was given a signet to allow him to access the inner chambers of the Great University in Semudan

Paraceretherium, the Janto favourite beast of burden

Geopolitical, Nomadic tribe

Boss Yang

This article has no secrets.


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