
The territory currently controlled by the Cernovodan Kingdom were part of a larger confederacy of Cernovodan tribes conquered by the Sarpadian Empire. These areas were divided into 4 provinces held by the Sarpadians for more than 500 years . Rebellions and chaos were common during this time, as were harsh suppressive measures taken by the Sarpadians to keep the Cernovodan tribes under control.   The land is divided between ancient forests, swamps, small scale pastures and hilly terrain in the north. The great delta rivers that run through Ceres, Jydengiss and Aran all have their origins in Cernovoda.   After the fall of the Sarpadian Empire, Cernovoda was the first major kingdom to arise in the former empirial territory, occupying most of present day Cernavoda and the Aran States. The core provinces that were most heavily influenced by imperial liefstyle and became the most urbanised were the 3 most southern provinces, and it was this difference in beliefs, attitude and sense of identity that led quickly to a dissolution of the greater Cernovoda Kingom proclaimed in the wake of the Sarpadian fall. After more than 25 years of warfare, chaos and large scale clashes with marauders that the most northern province solidified as the Cernovodan Kingdom, with the remaining provinces shrinking into the what is now known as Inner Aran and Outer Aran.   When the Helegu overran Cernovoda in 1280, the ruling family was executed and rule was decentralised to various chieftains. 60 years ago Clovis I, of Wickan rose to prominence and elevated his tribe to be the most powerful and influential of the Cernovodan. He and his successors had successfully thrown off the shackles of the Helegu and have been independent for the past quarter century. The current Blue-Host-Silver Host war has once again swept up Cernovoda, particulalrly as it stands at the crossroads between the two hosts.   King Clovis V, his court and army have been forced into the most inaccessible and heavily fortified parts of his kingdom to defend against the overwhelming force of the Blue Host Helegu.

The Witch Fens in central Cernovoda      

The First Wall of Wickan
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Cernovodan Kingdom, Arkavid Provence (during Sarapadian occupation)
Predecessor Organizations
Notable Members


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