Knossos the Warlock

  • Servant of the Faceless Masters, seeker of the blade of Basi Dynameos and walker in the footsteps of Zareus, slayer of great kings.
  • Is accompanied by a maximised Lead Golem.
  • Was a witness at the Palanquin Convocation called by Emerald's Blaze.
  • His fellow Faceless Master, Kavos, attacked the BMG to try and kidnap Dawn Eventide at Hecate's Footsteps in an attempt to claim the symbiote Drana
In Game:   In the Witch Wood, warned the BMG that war with the Witches was coming   Quotes:   "We make no claim on the Ink nor promises we won't seek it later" - as witness at the Planquin Convocation

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