Witch Wood

The Witch Woods is a densely packed forest thriving on over 400 square kilometres of highlands on the southern interior of the Radiant Coast.   Home to a great many undead and believed to be a meeting place for the Witches of the Age, the Witch Woods were given this name by the Sarpadian Empire. Due to this historical reputation it has become a site used by many warlocks to commune with their patrons in an effort to gain greater arcane insight.   Zarathustra and Entariath, Witch Queen were first encountered by the BMG in the Witch Woods.


The Witch Wood is a brooding temperate forest northwest of the Port of Seas and west of Gramidern.   With cool summers and cold winters, snow can fall any time of years with snow drifts in excess of 6" common in winter.


The Witch Wood is haunted by the many manifestations of the walking and hostly dead.  While some undead have formed in the Witch Wood in recent centuries, many of the Great Undead of the Witch Wood were created during a now forgotten trauma.   While wild animals are found throughout the Witch Wood, there have been no large scale homind settlements in the Witch Wood since the Sarpadian Empire constructed some remote forts in the area 600 years ago.

Localized Phenomena

A series of deep necropits are dotted throughout the Witch Woods found at the crossroads of ancient paths.  Necropits are fonts of necromantic energy, causing undead to congregate in the area around them and to attract arcanists & cultists looking to harvest the energy for their own purposes.   Deep in the heart of the Witch Wood, beneath the remains of Sarpadian Watchtower the BMG encountered one of the forms of Entariath who offered favours in return for loyal service. The chambers beneath the Watchtower were closed off to the BMG and weren't further investigated.

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