Maro Kush Nefor, Autocrat

  • Ruling from the Citadel, theAutocrat Maro Kush Nefor is the diactator of the Treonol Autocracy .
  • Appointed by the Roaring Host 10 years ago, he has spent his time ruthlessly and methodically exterminating all opposition and potential opposition to his rule.
  • A skilled diplomat he has kept the Helegu from interferring in the running of Treonol while ensuring they stay placated and convinced of his loyalty to them. He has expaned his own powerbase by playing off the powerful Grand Merchants against each other and is always ready to use mercenaries to enforce his rule.
  • A charismatic sociopath, the Autocrat has survided many assassination attempts and with each attempt strengthens his absolute rule over his people.
  • His power and influence with the Helegu is such, that he has begun to construct a series of fortresses along the eastern border with the Telehetti, despite the Helegu peace terms that state Treonol cannot build any new defensive walls greater than 2m tall.

The Autocrat

The Autocrat's throne room
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Current Residence
the Citadel
Aligned Organization


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