Treonol Autocracy

Ruled by Autocrat Maro Kush Nefor - appointed by the Mughal 10 years ago. Vicious and cunning, the Autocrat expands his own wealth and power at the expense of his own people while playing a dangerous game to keep the Helegu from interfering too directly. The rulership of Treonol is oppressive and fights an ongoing war to suppress and oppress the people to maintain the rule of the elite merchant caste. The people hate the rulers of their own land with more passion than they loathe the hated Helegu.   The Autocrat, the Mughal and his detachment are based in and around the Citadel of the Autocrat which is 50 miles to the east of where the party enters. The edge of the plateau is a further 50 miles to the east.   Geography
The nation exists on a plateau with hills to the west and east, mountains to the south and the Brass Desert to the north. It is dry and hot in summer, cool and wet in the brief winter. Thousands of years ago it was incredibly wet and lush and still maintains some remnant forests and deep lakes which are seemingly bottomless.   The eastern part of Treonol is largely borderlands and wilderness with towns strung out along the old caravan routes, which are now being turned into the fortified roads. Before the Helegu invasions the east was more heavily populated and the Treonol in constant conflict with Jayak tribes.   Orcs once roamed the fringes of Treonol in the more rugged and forested parts, while hill giants remain common and constant problem. A few stone giants have made their way north in recent years and occasionally other humanoids such as gnolls and trolls will migrate through. Dwarves fought alongside the Treonol 130 years ago but have bunkered down in their underground fortresses, never having made a formal peace deal with the Helegu, though they seem prepared to wait out this current human empire.   Being built on the ruins and waste of so many former kingdoms and having recently been subject to so much bloodshed, hauntings and undead are not uncommon.   Wildlife
Plateau - Aurochs, horses, hyrocon, antelopes, pronghorns, white-tailed deer, elephants Wooded areas - Chalicos, indricotheres, Giant Ground Sloth Predators - Sabretooth cats, sand wolves, hyenas, yellow fox, terror birds, lions, bears   Regions
Treonol has not been allowed to build any fortifications around its towns or cities until recently. Unindebted and free Treonol citizens live in constant fear of becoming an Indebted to one of the Grand Merchants.   Travel is restricted by the Autocrat’s court and only the Grand Merchants may travel freely without the need for permission. Even general traders need permission to cross territories and permission to leave is rarely granted to free citizens and never to the Indebted.   Banditry is a problem outside of the Citadel. Often non-human join human bandits in their endeavours Villages are often enclosed with low lying walls of stone sometimes painted white but often surrounded by a series of ditches and bramble like fencing designed to slow down raiders and thieves rather than out and out stop them.   Typical Treonol Names
• Male - Hemez, Haybek, Banara, Behmet, Gulnara, Sukhrab, Ruslan, Taalay, Zhurghul, Benoka, Jamilya, Machi, Hahmed, Nurlan, Guljigit, Meder, Burul, Gulbadam, Ruhsora • Female - Anari, Ulnari, Alimi, Aiperi, Eleni, Eri, Imkim, Umirin, Azagul, Ubusara, Istan, Aniar, Eshori, Indrini • All male names start with a consonant, only end in “a” if ending in a vowel • All female names start with a vowel, only end in “i” if ending with a vowel • House Names of the Grand Merchants start and finish with consonants • Lesser surnames start with vowels, end in consonants


  • The Treonol Autocracy is a client state of the Roaring Host (Tocave Khan). Regular tribute to the Roaring Host includes silver, hides, livestock, olive oil and slaves. The Roaring Host currently have turned their attention westward against the Paracer Ascension and have left behind in Treonol:         • the Mughal (Governor         • a small detachment of Helegu (1000 horse-warriors and         • the blood sworn Gimu horse warriors (a client tribe of the Roaring Host).
  • Ruled by the Autocrat who is appointed by the Mughal and his power is absolute. His power stems from the backing of the Helegu and access to power, trade and favours to the Grand Merchants.
  • The Grand Merchants rose to replace the nobility after their defeat by the Helegu, with many nobles and their families slain or fled during the decades long conflict.
  • The Mughal is one of Tocave Khan’s generals.


Before the Helegu the Treonol alternately fought and traded with the Gimu Steppe Warriors, Jayak tribes, dwarves, humanoids and previous dynasties of Semudan. Interaction with Orcs and dwarves of the western hills was frequent, though the Orcs have now retreated to distant strongholds and dwarves make infrequent contact at trading posts.   The Argos Kingdom ruled this area more than 500 years ago, falling after a series of succession wars (the last of which was orchestrated by Death Cults) and pressure from waves of humanoids being driven east and south by steppe nomads. The western part of Argos overlapped with eastern Treonol.   Treonol has been a client state to the Helegu for the last 150 years. Over 1 million Treonoli were killed in the initial Helegu invasion and all cities were razed except for the Citadel which remain unconquered. The Helegu have fought several Treonoli rebellions since the breakup of the great khanate 130 years ago which killed and enslaved at least a further half million Treonol.    For the past 50 years the Treonol elite have thrown in their lot with the Helegu and actively suppressed any idea of rebellion among the populace.   10 years ago, Treonol supported the winning side in a Roaring Host factional war and have been granted preferred status as a result, with minimal Helegu interference in their internal affairs.

Demography and Population

The population of Treonol is 2.5 million humans, which is significantly less than the population from 130 years ago. They are a largely rural nation with people living in small villages and towns as Indebted on the extensive estates of the Grand Merchants.

The Citadel

Eventide Shield Treonol fortress

Treonol scout

Kingdom of Argos ruins near the Telehetti border

Government System
Power Structure
Client state / puppet state
Economic System
Parent Organization
Neighboring Nations

No open declaration of hostilities

Treonol population regard Helegu as savages


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