
  • Telehetti are the dominant ethnic humans who dwell on the Erensari south of the Kingdom of Serakka.
  • Arborvimancers are uniquely Telehet druids who are responsible for ensuring the natural abundance of the tribes and for growing the Spar Towers from the living wood of the Adansoni Tree.
  • Due to centuries of conflict, anyone entering Telehetti homelands who is thought to be acting on behalf of the Helegu will at best be treated with outright hostility. Anyone declared guilty of spying on behalf of the Helegu is killed graphically and horribly. Often by being hung, then crushed on the living Adansoni Tree - painted in the yellow of the traitor symbol.
  Erensari Names
  • Male - Diboko, Mosiuoa, Refilwe, Phethisi, Refilwe, Nkoenyane, Molapo, Khethang, Mojalefa
  • Female - Ata, Sekekana, Teemana, Matsumi, Saba, Zalika, Moloa, Salau, Karega, Kioni


Tribal Circles
  • The tribes of the Erensari, grouped together under Tribal Circles. Occasionally they unite under great Confederations under a common cause. V6
  • Each circle is ruled by a Grand Matron or Grand Patron. Each is advised by a great court made up of wise people from the tribes under their sway.
  • The most northern of these cirles at the Treonol/Helegu border The Singidi Circle - tribes include Joco, Dodoma, Wyangi, Kisi, Sangu, Ngasa. The Singidi Circle is ruled over by Grand Matron Elekandri Semushina from the City of Maa.


Telehetti vs. Helegu history
  • Helegu invaded Telehetti lands in 1325 with a huge force (50,000 Helegu + 100,000 ancillaries). After enduring 10 years ofbrutal Helegu expeditionary forces making deep incursions, the western mamba plain was decimated and totally depopulated by 1340.
  • For a further 5 years the Helegu lead army rampaged across the Erensari destroying farms and villages but were unable to draw Erensari warriors into a pitched battle.
  • The Erensari turned away the great herds and burnt crops to deny the Helegu food, dammed rivers to slow the invaders, abandoned poorly defensible areas, melted away before the invader, engaged in an endless guerrilla war campaign and summoned the dark forces of the land to drain the will of the invaders.
  • Lead by the Erensari Champion Dogon the Star Holder, a small force of Erensari cut off a Helegu detachment that included most of the army leadership and slaughtered them. Foremost among them Mengu-Timur Khaganate, the last ruler of the United Helegu Confederation. His killing struck the deathblow for the demoralised army which returned to the horse clan homelands.
  • Under the Roaring Host the Helegu continued to conduct raids into the Erensari for more than a century. Learning how best to strike at the Helegu from success and defeat, the Erensari became expert in frustrating the long-term Helegu ambition in their homeland.
  • In 1460, a force led by the Roaring Host consisting of 15,000 Helegu and 35,000 ancillary forces were lured deep into the southern Mamba Plains where they were annihilated in less than a day. Seemingly having disappeared without a trace, they are now known as Jayaatu’s lost army, and are now the stuff of legend.
  • The slaughter and horror done that day has served has consequently served as the ‘lightning in a bottle’ for the arising of the Great Undead deep within Erensari territory.
  • There have been numerous ‘unsanctioned’ raids by both sides since the comprehensive beating down of the Helegu in the past 20 years but nothing that would suggest full scale war is inevitable.
  • Helegu are not allowed upon pain of death to enter the Erensari, however their proxies may with permission do so.

No open declaration of hostilities

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