Rakshazan Expanse

The Rakshazan Expanse is a series of small kingdoms in the south-western Hadean stretching across rainforests, deserts and savannas.   Outlying areas of the fallen Navana Empire were slowly and quietly succeeded by Rakshaza who seized their opportunity to fill the void and chaos left behind by the violent collapse of empire.   Each small kingdom is controlled by a different Rakshazan Streak.  The most famous leader is Memi Cetra, head of the Cetran Streak.     The Rakshaza rule over all others in their territories as demigods, with non-Rakshaza occupying all subordinate positions in the Expanse.  Often said to be cruel, harsh leaders, the Rakshaza demand absolute loyalty from their subjects.  If their kingdom runs as they require the Rakshaza are content to issue commands and rule from a distance.  Dissent, however minor is put down swiftly and ruthlessly   There is strong economic success under their rule, with the primary beneficiaries the Rakshaza and the elite who serve them.  The Rakshazan Expanse has built vast amounts of land and water transport infrastructure, fortifications and temples, and splendid palace and city centres.

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