Guptarid Dynasty

The Gupatarid Dynasty replaced the Uppo Dynasty after the Uppo Dynasty capital, Uppotota was sacked by the Neo-Sousarn Khaganate and allies in 1300.   An empire threatened on all sides by enemies and potential enemies, as well as dealing with rebellion, supernatural incursions and rampant banditism, the Guptarid Dynasty is the largest empire hominid political entity in Jade Jungle and Somar.   Geographically fractured across 1000's of miles of rugged tropical terrain, the Gupatrid Dynasty have been on the decline since the Uppo Rebellion came to a bloody end 40 years ago. After a decades long struggle, the Uppo House and their allies were finally defeated with the loss of more than four million hominid lives. This rebellion saw the break down of central power, the rise of local warlords, growth in external raids and the rise in powerful cults.   The re-emergence of Carkade Empire in all parts of their territory has seen further pressure placed on the Guptarids and has seemingly placed the Guptarids in a death spiral.  

Demography and Population

18,000,000 Humans
     500,000 Elves
     500,000 Yuan Ti 
  1,000,000 Lizardfolk 
  1,000,000 Dwarves 
     750,000 Goblinoids 
     200,000 Other Hominids 
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Predecessor Organization
Leader Title
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Theocratic
Executive Body
Luminous Court of Guptaridtota

Articles under Guptarid Dynasty


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