Sheev Hobgoblin Legions

The Sheev Hobgoblin Legions have existed as an organised entity in south-western Hadean for more than 300 years.
  While a much reduced power after losing control of the Kakilia basin more than 50 years ago, the Sheev Hobgoblin Legions are a migratory force that still strike fear into the settled socieities of the region, often sending their legions into battle as mercaries in the pay of local warlords or any with enough money to pay.


In 1150 the Sheev first emerged from the Somar Jungle to raid against the many small baronies, principalities and clans that dwelt within the Kakilia basin.   Growing bolder and stronger as the disorganised and weak Zaropid Kingdom that had nominal control over the area spiralled into total collapse, the Sheev moved from raiding and demands of tribute to outright conquest. By 1280 they had established themselves as overlords of the fertile Kakilia basin, subjugating and enslaving the any who were unable to flee.   After their ultimate defeat by the Paracer Ascension, the Sheev fled inland.

Demography and Population



10 known legions of 6,000 each

Strength and Fear

Military Order
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Neighboring Nations


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