Paracer Ascension

The Paracer Ascension is a geographically extensive nation based on the south-western coast of Hadean around the Odotus Sea and was founded by Prince Kava of the Paracer Barony in 1430. The Paracer Ascension is rapdily expanding into the northern Somar Jungle and the Kakilia basin. Its capital city Paracer Kharma is the ancestral home of the Paracer clan but remains relatively small compared to other capitals in the south western Hadean.   Prince Kava raised an army of many races and clans to drive out the Sheev Hobgoblin Legions that had dominated the area for more than 200 years. After the Sheev Hobgoblin legions fled inland, Prince Kava continued to cement his power by incorporating many of the clans and peoples that had originally allied with to fight the hobgoblin legions. The Paracer Ascension has defeated 2 armies sent against them by the Kali Tyranny in the north and multiple armies sent by the Guptatrid Dynasty in the south to support the smaller states currently being rapidly conquered.   Currently ruled over by Zhupin Jaavat, the Lady of Paracer, the Paracer Ascension us continuing to expand it's borders and has recently engaged mercenaries of previous enemies such as the hobgoblin legions, the Barbed Orc Horde and the remnant soldiers of the former Helegu Golden Host. Zhupin Jaavat rules absolutely, though her territory is broken into many smaller baronies ruled by members of the Paracer Clan. It is impossible for a non-Paracer to rise to a position of baronial authority within the Ascension.   Worshipping the gods in their own fashion, the priests of the Paracer Ascension are quick to kill any who do not convert to their particular form of religious observance known as the Lotus Row.   The population of the traditional Paracer territory is estimated to be no more than 250,000 however the Ascension as a whole has more than 15,000,000 inhabitants including all hominds.   The Tiger of Kava is the national emblem of the Paracer Ascension.

Public Agenda

To ensure all mortal beings exalt the gods


The Sheev Hobgoblin Legions destroyed the Zaropid Kingdom 200 years ago and had ruled of the Kakilia basin with ruthless cruelty since that time.   The Paracer were one of many human clans under the control of the hobgoblins during that time.   Prince Kava of Paracer succeeded at uniting the many non-hobgoblin subjects in a secret alliance in 1427 and led a rebellion against the hobgoblins when the Sheev Hobgoblin legions were broken among 4 competing Legatus Legonis.   After 3 years of brutal war that the Great University estimated saw a detah toll of 1,000,000 goblins, 100,000 hobgoblins and 300,000 humans & hominids, the Sheev Hobgoblin Legions retreated inland leaving a power vacuum that Prince Kava and his religous acolytes was move than willing to fill.   Kava continued warring and expanding until his death in 1441.

Chosen of the Gods, Rulers of mortals

The Lady of Paracer

Paracer Kharma

Prince Kava, founder of the Paracer Ascension
Founding Date
Geopolitical, State
Predecessor Organization
Government System
Subsidiary Organizations
Notable Members

Sheev Hobgoblins currently send legions as mercenaries to fight alongside Paracer

Articles under Paracer Ascension


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