Starless Communion

  • Originally a cult seeking power and protection via the gods worshipped during the reign of Carkade who were primarily Death and Destruction Gods
  • Carkade Gods were Beshaba (misfortune), Bhaal (murder), Bane (war), Shar (death), Erythnul (slaughter), Nerull (death), Takhisis (hatred), Chemosh (undead), Morgion (disease), Nuitari (apathy) - controlled by the Elder Gods Ammutseba (Unliving), Aves Reva (Nightmares and perpetual darkness), Azathoth (obscenity)
  • Originally the aim of the Starless Communion was the return of the Gods of Death and Destruction to slay all their enemies and rule over the remainder with an iron fist, while they lounge at the sides of the gods basked in glory and elevated to demigod status. Over the centuries the goal of the Starless Communion has changed to obtaining power through the Elder Gods, not by worshipping them but communing near their presence, and to obtain esoteric and mystical insight into the continuum of existence
  • Splinter cults have been formed over the centuries to pursue the original Starless Communion goals
  • Each sect has its own chosen leader all of who answer to the matriarch. Papa Asenso is the leader of a sect of the communion in eastern Semudan.
  • The most powerful of the communion are the Dread Children who directly serve the matriarch Mama Tet. Mama Tet was responsible for casting out cult members and leaders pursuing the destruction of all and used the arcane knowledge and power of the Communion to pursue knowledge through all the Elder Gods. Many cult members disappeared during her take over more than a century ago.
  • They were witnesses at the Palanquin Convocation called by Emerald’s Blaze represented by the Dread Child, Tida Jobe who wanted nothing to do with the Ink.
    "Mama Tet is right, you are nothing but loud green songbirds in a clear sky full of hungry raptors. We want nothing to do with the ink"

Children of the Starless Communion learning sigils at the Goropela commune
Secret, Occult


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