Terminand Zand

Terminand Zand fell to the Helegu after a three year siege, signifiying the final fall of Talinessee, former Golden Empire of. It now houses the Winter Palace of the Blue Helegu Khan.   Prior to its cession to the Helegu in 1255 DR, was the capital of the Southern Talinnessee Dynasty for two hundred years, and the united Golden Talinessee Empire for 300 years before that.   Under Southern Dynasty rule, the population inside the walled city grew from 120,000 in 1064 to 750,000 in 1255 (and the population of the surrounding region grew from 500,000 to 2,750,000) as large numbers of refugess from the succssion wars migrated to the city.   At the time of the helegu siege the outer city wall was 36 km in circumference, 9 metres high and 4.5 metres wide at the top. The city had eight gates, two each in each cardinal direction. On top of the wall were 720 battle towers. Outside the wall were three layers of moats. Outside eastern gates were the scared parade and sports grounds.   Inside the southwest corner of the outer walled city was a rectangular inner walled city, which enclosed the walled imperial place, which had four gates; two to the south and two to the west. The imperial walled city shared gates with two other inner walled cities; Sun City that housed the religious leaders and houses of Sun Row and Jade City that contained the noble houses. The ancient Antocay Temple, that had stood for at least 3,000 years was housed within the Sun Row city before it was sacked and the temple carried away stone by stone by the Helegu conquerers.   The remainder of the city held 26 neighborhood divisions, broken into 13 in the east and 13 in the west.   The cities walls have since been rebuilt, and while new canals and temples have been built, the city has largely been converted into a barracks city for the Blue Host, with a standing population of 150,000 serving the military and Blue Host nobility. In winter the city holds up to 200,000 soldiers, and in summer when the Blue Host is mobile, a token force of 10,000 remain under the control of the Blue Host Khugan.   The Mirror Host have converted the north-eastern 2.5 km sqaured portion of the city into a Convergence, and are enclosed by walls deeply inset with runes and protections. This includes a Sacred Landing, a perfectly circular space 200 metres across that is used for ritual and arcane purposes.


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