Time Present, Time Past and Time Present

Colelor is a a large fortified borderland town, in the Wolvesmire Barony at the edge of the Wolf’s Reach Kingdom. It is under assault from Stone Giants for the sin of allowing the enemy (Duergar) to cross their territory with a weapon that could be used to destroy the Stone Giants.   Stone Giants have easily moved through and now control the defensive line of the Whispering Gorge Watchtowers strung out along the western side of the river/gorge on the other side of Corelor.   6 Stone formations appear all along the edge of the Barony housing the elite of the Stone Giant Clan. Over 600 armed Stone Giants appear on the far side of the river gorge, lined out in 3 lines along a 2km front.   The Stone Giant Clan of Athamon wants the return of the Clan Chief’s son who has been a dreamwalker for more than a decade. The Stone Giant’s will not cross into the territory that was once consecrated, but is now deconsecrated as part of the Covenant of Confinement. They state that the Dreamwalker has been captured by the Duergar and has been taken to once of the formerly sacred sites. In one of theses sites the duergar are removing objects acquired by the Dreamwalker as part of his dream walking. These objects have the power to destroy the Stone Giants. The Stone Ginats can reclaim their previous sacred sites by force if needed.   Stone Giant formerly sacred places, now within the territory of the Wolf Reach Kingdom:
  • Chiad Tor
  • The Naerand
  • Hecate’s Advent
Dreamwalker Zolim Tira Athamon
  • Wandering the dream world looking for signs of lost gods
  • Son of Chieftain Ranan Tira Athamon
  • Fixated on the Elder God Aves Reva
  • Has found and affixed many objects to himself over the years he has been wandering
Ranan Tira Athamon, Stone Giant Chieftain:
    "We were here when the Jotunn crushed the land beneath them
    We were here before the first human settlers pushed out the elves
    We relented before the onslaught of the wars that torched and extinguished the Jaguar Kingdoms
    We have relented time and time again before the persistence and violence of the hominids in your million hordes
    Our former sacred sites are no longer in our reach
    You allow our enemies to travel freely and hold the dreamwalker whose time has come to return to his people
    The enemy draws out from him what is sacred to us
    Without it we will not survive the coming of the Lost Gods
    If needed we will occupy each of our sacred sites to reach him
    You allowed the enemy to make fort where we cannot reach them
    Bring him to us or we will reclaim our lost sacred sites."

They find Hecates Advent and pass through a field of cairns from where they encounter the evil undead once the sun sets.   They see visions from hundreds of thousands of years ago that include Eldar Elves running in terror from an unseen force approaching from above. They see incredibly tall doors covered in dozens of moving sigils and are then are back in the future. The doors in front of them are the same doors they saw in the past, realise the doors were from the last Atlantis and are now used to guard access to interior. Inside they find a magnificent hall also from the original Atlantis.   Inside they encounter the Duergar performing rituals to slowly remove the objects attached to the Dreamwalker. The Dreamwalker is supended by magic over a deep pit with a ruby red statue of Hecate hung from the roof above him. The statue changes pose from time to time.   A fight ensues and the a chase ensues.   Zoroaster, King of the Gold Dragons. The BMG eneter his tomb that is travelling backwards through time. Also inside the tomb is the 6" claw of the first gold dragon monarch bursting through the highly polished marble floor.   A deep shadow passes over them and a deep bass rumble moves through them followed by the near subsonic voice of Zoroaster
"What time is this? This is not right"   Thrown back more than 6,000 years in time to the time of the Carkade.   The Painted Man is a Carkade Undead High Priest of Aves Reva or the House of Chitlacalu, which was ruled over by Great Lord Itzpapolotl. He is the strongest of the Harbinger Dead and is on top of the tallest pyramid overseeing a ritual to construct of the Nightmare Child.   He “lives on” in the depths of Hecate Advent in current day. His tomb is deep in the bowels of Hecate Advent. He is now nothing more than a ghost who is trapped to forever roam about the extent of his burial chambers. He can not reform if the shroud he is wrapped in is destroyed. If the Ghost Witch ring his corpse wears is removed from the Hecate Advent he will be free   Essen is captured and when the BMG sneak into the main pyramid to free her they do battle with a vampire priest and Drana attaches itself to Dawn. They also talk with the animated head of the Stone Giant King who sold his people into slavery under the covenants.   The ritual culminated with Aves Reva materialising for a moment to reach into the pit and animate the Nightmare Child.   Nightmare Child; huge and pink and spewing undeath. Progeny of Aves Reva
Created using poison from wyverns, generated in the soil of a mass grave, sufficient mass of corpses, 13 ritual stone chargers filled with the blood of 13 mortals every 13th day on 13 occasions, 2 nightmare shrines dedicated to Aves Reva (inversions of each other), 169 clay pots of demon blood, charcoal from 13 trees all 13 y.o. to draw the magic symbols, 13 blood onyx minimum value 5000 gp each, 13 large nightmare nets within the outer layers of the summoning circle woven only at midnight under a full moon or new moon with the blood of the sacrificed and stitched using the ligaments of victims, A major nightmare servant of Aves Reva   The Nightmare Child is birthed at midnight   Zoroaster rumbles "this is not right" and the group return deep in the tunnels of the Advent.   After being unable to resist his urges, Dwayne the Greedy grabbed hold of the out of place (yet shiny & golden) Sundial of the Royal Household of Jorentess and the group was transported into a probable future in the Kingdom of Jorentes. The Sundial of the Royal Household of Jorentes An artefact of significant power Known as sunrunner or moon curver It can be adjusted to tell time at any latitude Can also be used to move through the probabilities of the future by machinists, artificers and augurs   Arriving many years into the future, in the city of Solis Major it is freezing cold, icy and middle of the night   Solis Major, capital of the Kingdom Of Jorentes is a city on a plateau surrounded by mountains and under eastern siege by "the enemy". High in the sky above is a broken gash in sky that stretches for more than a quarter of the width of the sky, spewing out sickly green light, while the edges of the gash blaze brightly in thin diamond white light.   The group are atop a huge fortification running between mountains that includes large outdoor plazas, artificial lakes, frozen gardens and a fortified road that leads to the High Castle where dwells the Royal Family and is the headquarters of the war effort.   The group come to realise that they are their future Exemplar selves, especially after a contingent soldiers is panicked to realise that the Machinist (Gimblenock) is out at night. They look nervously skywards where translucent creatures can be seen wheeling high above. Pure dread emanates from these creatures and everyone is hustled to the castle.   Grundark seems feared and respected, Dwayne is honoured and respected, Essen is given a wider birth and Dawn is revered. The group is taken up one of the fortified towers capped in a massive metal dome where there is a meeting of Generals overseen by Prince Hane. Small figures representing armies rest on a huge 3-D map of Jorentes and surrounding territories on the main central circular table.   When the Group arrive the Machinist is immediately taken aside by the prince and other advisers and he is shown blueprints which are of great concern.   Spies have brought back blueprints of a weapon that harnesses the power of the energaeic planes   The weapon is a specially designed ballista (cannon) that fires bolts of energy, though it is unstable.   Most worrisome are rumours spies have brought back of a doomsday weapon rumoured known as the Warp Sphere. It harnesses the power of phantom energy which can only be found in the space between the spaces.   It is rumoured that the sphere can be controlled by Stone Giant polemancers wielding their arcane speaking stones   The enemy has defeated the last Host and has filled the valley before the formidable walls of Jorentes. All allied and Jorentes defences to the east have been overcome by the enemy and Jorentes is continually fighting off efforts to break into the main Jorentes plateau by other means.   Dawn uses a sending spell to contact Helm Darkport, who responds that he is "deep in enemy territory in the shadow border by the Alin Landing where more of the enemy have arrived, but he will be there soon". She also realises she does not have Drana with her.   Notable attendees at the High Castle included:
  • Queen Mira Moonrunner
  • King Dargus Moonrunner
  • Prince Hane Moonrunner
  • Prince Estefan Moonrunner
  • Grand Duke Erik Foha
  • Sir Tuija Voddher
  • Sir Jost Corr
  • High Magician Luhon Serter
  • Artificer Strago Lee
  • Royal Augur Travar Vandarek
  • Chief Minister Vadel Daggoth
  • Minister Rolim Royce
  • Minister Anla Tobian
  • Grand Marshall Rip Talis
  • General Nova Rool
  • Lead Ranger Ferjan Ferebo
  • Master of Horses Ben Rudemo
  • Captain Bek Levedru
  • Captain Isond Stitha
  • Master of Shadows Druan Tolora
  • Ferok Franco - Minister for Artefacts
There is a moment of revelation and the group put together the possible future they occupy and they here a deep voice out of the Time-Void, "The time is wrong. You do not belong then." The massive shadow of Zoroaster, King of Gold Dragons passes through them and they are back in their own time.   They continue through the depths of the catacombs and forgotten chambers beneath the Ruby Room in pursuit of the Duergar. Having carefully coordinated and planned their actuions, the BMG strike at the Duergar base camp when only Duergar High Chief Hoom Caliginous, the Duergar Spirit Chief Hob Briargrip and Hob's Agoniser are present. The Duergar Raid Chief Benblack Boulderbrace and most of the Marked Defiants, Defiants, Agoniser, Whisperers, Darksteppers and Spirit Talkers are not present.   A battle ensues and the the Duergar are driven off long enough to rescue the Stone Giant Dreamwalker - Zolim Tira Athamon.   The objects on the Dreamwalker that the Duergar were extracting were all powerful, ancient, sacred items that had been gathered by the Painted Man in the time of Carkade:
  • A divine metal horn crafted by one of the Major Arcana that served Aves Reva - is an artefact that can be used as part of a summoning ritual
  • A divinely created granite head of the Lynx - a magical item that can be used as part of a divination ritual
  • A divinely crafted black-white mask that allows its wearer to become a “container” for the Major Arcana as part of a summoning ritual
  • A divinely crafted ethereal pinwheel that allows the user to channel power directly from the major arcana
  • A Blue Pearl that allows the possessor to enter the presence of Aves Reva following the correct ritual - then vanishes back into the quanti until it reforms at another time (could be past or present) - this is the 13th iteration
  • Blue Chalk - through ritual and communion allow the user to access elder magic in spheres of nightmare, darkness, manipulation and imagination
  • Covenent of Impressment
Returning to Wolvesmire, the Dreamwalker is reunited with his father Ranan Tira Athamon, Stone Giant Chieftain. Ranan is true to his word, the stone sword is removed from the thawing Blue Wall.   The Stone Giant Chief reveals that is the Covenent of Impressment that Stone Giants feared would be the weapon that would lead to their destruction. The Covenent compels the Stone Giants to make war on behalf of the rightful possessor of the covenant. The "rightful possessor" are the Carkade and Aves Reva’s true witnesses


Hall of Hecate's Advent

A small Carkade pyramid

Related Organizations
Game sessions:
  • May 2018
  • June 2018
  • September 2018
  • October 2018


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