Yeghalamayan Dynasty

The Sarpadian colonies of the western Melvillai Sea were largely autnomous in both domestic and foreign affairs. Mostly they were expected to send annual tribute to the capital, and occassionally supply troops.   Prior the collapse of Empire formal alliances between city-states were rare and the influence of city-states varied over time.   In the centuries following the collapse of Empire, Yeghalamaya rose to prominence as the other city-states collapsed or became vassal states themselves. Ruled over by the direct descendents of the last surviving Great House of Sarpadia, the Yeghalamayan Dynasty has been dominant since 1400   Yeghalamayan society is highly stratified and predominantly monarchical. Hereditary kings and queens govern with absolute power over military, civic, commercial, arcane and religious affairs. They often rely upon senior officials from the noble, merchant, druidic, priestly or arcane classes; usually of royal lineage or leading merchant families.  The King is considered a representative of the land and carries many obligations and duties concerning spiritual processions and rituals.  Druids and Priests are highly influential and often became intertwined with the royal family.   Yeghalamayan royalty commemorate their reign through sculptures or monuments in similar manner to the Sarpadian Empire before them. Their wealth, power, and accomplishments is also conveyed through ornate sarcophagi. The Yeghalamayan have rare, intact historcial records, artefacts and goods from the Sarpadian Empire.


Geopolitical, Great house


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