Senainm Collective

With their homes succumbing to the Abaddon the High Elf refugees who fled westward settled into forests at the southern edge of the Saturn Mountains that bordered the Melvillai Sea, that themselves had only recently been abandoned due to the fall of Sarpadian Empire.   The Senainm Collective has scattered settlements all across the deep forest, rolling hills and dangerously steep mountains.   If there is a ruler or council that ultimately rule over all, it is hidden from external view.  Whenever there is a need for an individual to speak on behalf of the Senainm Collective, it is always a different person, and the decision of that person is respected by others in the Collective.     There are a few border forts where ambassadors, travellers and merchants may stay and trade with the Senainm, however now are allowed without permission into any other part of Senainm territory.

Geopolitical, Colony


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