Zaniel Darksun, Quant

Zanji Quant Chair of the Arcane Hall Zaniel Darksun

  • He is the Dean of the Arcane Hall of the Great University in Zanji
  • He was the Arcane Hall's witness at the Palanquin Convocation
  • Has avoided bringing the Arcane Hall into the Palanquin War, however is believed to be secretly supporting the Darksun Tower. There are darker rumours that he is directing Arcane Hall resources to the mobs seiging the Towers historically opposed to Darksun such as the Frozen Star Tower and Black Hole Tower. If proven this be in direct violation of his oath as the Quant chair.
  • Both Towers have subsequently been destroyed in the city of Zanji.

Mental characteristics


  • Studied under the master wizards of the Darksun Tower
  • At the Great University studied convocation and divination magics

Current Residence
Zanji, the Great University
Quotes & Catchphrases
"All great artefacts should be fully understood and a record of their function and origin be kept for the ages. Our archives are impressive with the knowledge of all existence. We would send an emissary to exchange our knowledge for the Ink."
  • after witnessing the Ink at the Palanquin Convocation
Other Affiliations
Known Languages


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