Semudan, Ruby Empire of Redin

  • A powerful equatorial empire occupying large parts of the Jin Rainforests and surrounding lands. The Semudan Empire is over 1,400 years old and was founded after 300 years of continual warfare bewteen the many human tribes of the western Jin Rainforests. Eventually the Semud won and founded the first dynasty of the Semudan Empire.
  • In that lifetime of the Empire there have been 7 dynasties and the current dynasty is the Ruby Empire of Redin Semudan.
  • On three times in Semudan's history, the Empire disintegrated entirely before a new dynasty emerged and reunited the Empire. Each occasion is known as a time of chaos.
  • A decades long civil war inside the House of Redin still rages, 4 major citiesare in open revolt, there are unresolved wars with 4 other nations, the Jagged Horde is plundering coastal settlements at will and the Mummies of Carkade are noisily rising in strength in the west.
  • Many anticipate the imminent collapse of the Ruby Empire and plunging Semudan into a 4th time of chaos
  • The year of falling stars, the Architeuthis event and ongoing earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in the west have precipitated waves of civil disturbance, riots, an exponential rise in cults and the emergence of the Revelation, self proclaimed prophets predicting the rise of new gods. The Sovereign Host is using all its resources to crush the Revelation, but to date they have not been succesful and the Revelation grows stronger everyday.


  • Ruled over by an Emperor who shares power with the noble classes, imperial positions are awarded by the state bureacracy.
  • While it is possible to move up through the duifferent layers of Semudan society, it is very unusual for anyone not from a noble house to be appointed to positions within the Imperial Court.
  • The current Ruby Empire of Redin Semudan is the 7th dynasty to rule the Empire and the Emperor Oghenkaro who rules from Zanji is the dynasty's 7th ruler.
  • Oghenkaro was the younger child of the former Emperor and was crowned as imperial ruler upon death of his father.
  • Ememchiamo was the Emperor's oldest child and claimed she was made heir by her father and that Oghenkaro is a usurper. She crowned herself Empress Ememchiamo and set up court in the city of Romo Tor.
  • The ensuing civil war has seen a brutal 10 years of military, economic and magical conflict with the Great University estimating that at least 1,000,000 have died in the conflict. At this stage all of the major noble houses have continued to support the Zanji Court, however at least 10 minor houses fully support the Empress.
  • In addition to the civil war, 3 cities are in open rebellion to any imperial claim - Chogo, Yagala and Kierra-CherMajor
  • The city-state of Yola had been in rebellion until 1478DR, when the city and the rebel leaders were crushed after a 5 year war, that saw some of the key figures in the rebellion escape the destruction of Yola, only for all to be hunted down and killed by the Ruby Imperials and elite Semudan assault forces.

Major Houses of Semudan

House of Redin, at war with itself, current imperial house of Semudan:
  • Emperor Oghenkaro, 2nd of his name
  • Empress Consort Zaklene, formerly of House Suman
  • Colours - Ruby Red and White
House of Gaoro, previous imperial dynasty of Semudan:
  • Prince Royal Ghalen
  • Princess Royal Galetia
  • Colours - Emerald Green and White
House of Marcy:
  • Prince Royal Decovon
  • Princess Royal Salena
  • Colours - Blue and Gold
House of Garani
  • Prince Royal Tevoris
  • Princess Royal Wallica
  • Colours - Scarlet Red and Gold
House of Manassam:
  • Prince Royal Vondell
  • Princess Royal Anya
  • Colours - Lime Green and White
House of Sabou:
  • Prince Royal Keshaun
  • Princess Royal Chaybree
  • Colours - Sapphire Blue and Red
House of Tadro:
  • Prince Royal Tevari
  • Princess Royal Zalanda
  • Emerald Green and Scarlet Red


    -300 Time of the Warlords
    -150 Time of Cold Dread
    -90 Time of the Green Warlords
  • 50 Blue Empire of Benit Semudan
  • 90 Sapphire Empire of Ioyana Semudan
  • 422 1st Time of Chaos (end of Ioyana Semudan)
  • 444 Sun Empire of Rhondio Semudan
  • 600 Star Empire of Rhondio Semudan
  • 698 First Sosso rebellion
    715 2nd time of Chaos
  • 730 Blue Star Empire of Azur Semudan
  • 980 Sorcerer King conquests
  • 1000 3rd time of Chaos
  • 1010 Emerald Empire of Gaoro Semudan

  • 1322 3rd Time of Chaos (end of Gaoro Semudan)
    1337 Helegu invasion of Telehetti
    1351 Time of Warring Princes
  • 1410 Ruby Empire of Redin Semudan
  • 1465 Ruby Empire splits into 2 warring factions

Demography and Population

Under control of the Emperor - 90M
Under control of the Empress - 40M


  • Armed legions under Imperial command. Each legion comprises 6,000 soldiers. The Emperor claims more than 50 legions under his control + similar number of auxilliary forces, while the Empress claims 20 legions + double the number in auxilliary forces & mercenaries
  • Ruby Imperials provide magical defence for the Empire


  • The Sovereign Host is the official collection of High Temples that control the doctrine of religion practiced in the Imperial Court.
  • Different doctrines of the same deity exist all across the Empire, but only the opinions of those of the High Temple have weight at Court in official practice
  • The Sovereign Host temples are all positioned on the Imperial Island along the Sovereign Way that circles the Imperial Palace.
  • The Revelation is currently challenging the Sovereign Host and after a series of street skirmishes and clashes, the Revelation supported by a riotous mob assaulted the High Temples.  Both sides continue to seek advantage over the other; the Sovereign Host looking to crush the Revelation before it grows too powerful and the Revelation seeking to undermine the Sovereign Host at every turn.

Foreign Relations

  • Since the civil war started, sea raids by the Orc Jagged Horde have increased in intensity to such a degree that mere threat of raids has seen many coastal settlements preemptively abandoned, raided settlements are not repopulated and no new settlements are created.
  • The area controlled by Goropela is one of the few areas to avoid the Jagged Horde raids
  • Semudan is officially at war with the Zagodia Dominion, Han Hausa, the Eredo-Benil-Manso alliance and Mossi City States.
  • Huge gnoll war bands have taken control of the northern Jin Jungle, after having migrated thousands of kilometres from the north
  • The Mummies of Carkade are now revealing their strength in the west. While not yet at war with Semudan, the people they have driven eastwards have sacked more than a dozen smaller fortresses and cities in the far west of the empire


Founding Date
50 DR
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Semudan Empire, Semudan
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations

Articles under Semudan, Ruby Empire of Redin


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