
Child of Zoroaster, and shadow-gold dragon of incredible power. Zarathustra is sometimes connected to the Time Void, sometimes to Shadowfel    
  • Wants to rule as Gold Dragon Monarch, over the centuries he and his father have come to hate each other
  • Not as powerful as Zoroaster but is more powerful than other Gold Dragon
  • Zarathustra believes that dragons should be predominant among all species and loathes the attitude of dragon-kind where they are disunited, fractured, uninvolved and in the background as arcane beings, not at the forefront as rulers over all
  • Pursuing cosmic knowledge and mastery of arcane arts, and has liberated his mortal coils from the confines of the Key-Time Manifold
  • Can manipulate the Time Void to a degree, but does not exist across all his time moments at the same time as does Zoroaster
  • Runs many proxy wars, not only against Zoroaster, but against others who oppose him, threaten him, or hinder him
  • Exists primarily in the Time Void and the Shadowfel, especially where it closely overlaps with the Key-Time Manifold
    Zarathustra used his mastery over time and shadow to aid the Carkade where its suits his need
  • Wants possession of the Covenant Ingot of Confinement
  • The Terror Bird House of Carkade Royalty want to ascend the Carkade Throne; they are secretly, very loosely aligned with Zarathustra, as it is their High Priest who has access the sacred Carkade Archives that include some of their most powerful artefacts
  • Zarathustra manipulated the Time Void to nudge the Carkade out of it quicker and more concentrated than would otherwise happen
  • Zarathustra has revealed the arcane knowledge to create the Spartoi Warriors (men from dragon teeth)
  • Zarathustra is working with the Carkade on breaking the Great Undead Carkade out of their Alin homeworld before the rest of the Alin also break free
  • In exchange Zarathustra has received access to elder-day resources, knowledge, and freedom from the bindings of the only functioning covenant ingot of confinement
  • The Terror Bird Royal House and Zarathustra have occasionally done favours for each other separate to the above
  • The BMG, who Zarathustra now sees as being on Zoroaster’s side of the board are the possible hinderances, as well as possible tools
    The Terror Bird Royal House has access to the Covenant Ingot of Confinement
  • Zarathustra was systematically fulfilling his pact with the Carkade and gained information about its whereabouts
  • With possession of the Ingot Zarathustra will need to access the Halcyon Palace Treasury
  • He didn't need to seize the monarchy for himself or defeat Zoroaster, with access to the Library he could eventually control all the Covenant Ingots – this would take time
  • Written in old draconic on the Covenant, invisible to most non-draconic eyes, are the first characters of the 31 Elder Gods in the hentriacontagon form that unlocks mastery over Time
  • As all the names need to be recited in order, in the 4 dimensions of the true old draconic script, this can only be done in the Hall of Lamentations
  Coonection to the Carkade
  • Appeared pathetic, chained, and desperate to save the gold dragons
  • Used the BMG to gain access of the Covenant Ingot of Confinement
  • Minimised his involvement in manipulating the Time Void
  • Played up the indifference of Zoroaster and the other Dragon Monarchs to existence and the end of all things
  BMG encounters with Zarathustra:
  • In the Witch Wood the BMG found the name "Zarathustra" and other draconic names scribed at the edge of a necrotic pit. A spirit whispered Zarathustra's name to the BMG
  • Zarathustra emerged from a deep pit that also contained a small Illithid colony that was in the process of growing their Elder Brain and disappeared into the gloom of the night.
  • Professor Ruben notated the name Zarathustra along with other names being Zubanquer, Zermadar, Zimzio and Zensunni on the walls of a hidden chamber in Houtl-Het's complex. Also on the walls were complex carvings of that started with five entwined serpents above 13 carved images of Carkade interacting with Alin Patrons in the sky. Each carved image reduced the numbers of Carkade by 1, with the number of entwined serpents decreasing until there was only one serpent named Zarathustra and one Carkade in expansive headwear. The Alin Patrons were last seen in the 2nd last carving.
  • Encountered the BMG when the Time Void spilled them out within the territory Carkade, Terror Bird Royal House
  • Has enlisted the help of the BMG to retrieve the first Gold Dragon Covenant Ingot that is hidden in the Sacred Archives of the Terror Bird Clan
  • Spoke of the indifference of Zoroaster and the other Dragon Monarchs to existence and the end of all things
  • The BMG thwarted his efforts to use a Gold Dragon ter'angreal to stall time long enough for Zarathustra to seize control from Zoroaster



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