
Carkade Courtier

Medium undead, any evil
Armor Class: 18 (Natural)
Hit Points: 78+
Speed: 28 ft


18 +4


10 +0


16 +3


10 +0


15 +2


17 +3

Saving Throws: Wisdom +6, Constiturion +7, Intelligence +6
  • History +4
  • Religion +4
  • Arcane +4
Damage Vulnerabilities: Fire
Damage Resistances: Bludgeoning, piercing or slashing damage
Damage Immunities: Necrotic, Poison, Bludgeoning, piercing or slashing damage from non-magical
Condition Immunities: Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralysed, Poisoned
Senses: Darkvision 60"
Languages: Common, Carkade, Elder

Sorcerer 9+ Empowered Spell (1SP reroll dice max 3)
Heightened Spell (3SP disadvantage save)
Wild Magic (2SP d4 +/- attack, ability or saving)
Spell Points 9, DC 15, Spell Attack +7
• Cantrips - Chill Touch, Poison Spray, Message, Mending, Acid Splash
• L1 (4) Shield, Magic Missile
• L2 (3) Shatter, Cloud of Daggers
• L3 (3) Stinking Cloud, Protection from Energy, Counterspell
• L4 (3) Blight, Ice Storm
• L5 (1) Insect Plague*, Dominate Person

Undead Resistance: All damage reduced by 1 Damage Transference: As a reaction transfer up to 20HP damage to a bound target (may use reaction twice between turns)


1x per long rest Tides of chaos (advantage on 1x attack roll, saving throw or ability check) 1x per round (Init 20) choose: • AC +2; OR
• Savings throws made with advantage; OR
• Blinding dust (DC14 Con or blind until end of opponent’s next round)

Multiattack: • Rotting Fist +6 2d6+4 plus 4d6 necrotic damage (DC14 Cn save or mummy rot)
• Dreadful Glare Range 60ft DC13 or frightened (failed by 5 or more and paralysed) for round

Former Court Attendants of Carkade Nobility, typically adorned in semi-precious gems and covered in the tattoos of the noble houses they served.   Houtl-Het, who fought the SRG and ended up controlled by Sili, Witch Queen was a Carkade Courtier.

Carkade Nobility

Medium undead, any evil
Armor Class: 21 (Natural Armour)
Hit Points: 180+
Speed: 35 ft , fly: 60 ft , can hover


18 +4


10 +0


19 +4


12 +1


18 +4


14 +2

Saving Throws: Wisdom +10, Constitution +10, Intelligence +5, Charisma +9
  • History +8
  • Religion +8
  • Arcane +8
Damage Vulnerabilities: Fire
Damage Resistances: Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing
Damage Immunities: Necrotic, Poison, Bludgeoning, piercing or slashing damage from non-magical
Condition Immunities: Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralysed, Poisoned
  • Darkvision 60"
  • Blind Sight
Languages: Common, Carkade, Elder

  • Cleric L14+
  • DC 18, Spell Attack +10

At will:
  • Sacred Flame
  • Thaumaturgy
  • Resistance
  • Frost Bite
  • Poison Spray

  • Teleport Circle

  • Dimension Door

  • Regeneration: 20 HP per round
  • Rejuvenation: If destroyed gains new body in 24 hours next to its heart
  • Magic Resistance: Advantage vs spells and magical effects


  • Rotting Fist +10 4d6+4 plus 8d6 necrotic damage (DC18 Cn save or mummy rot)
  • Dreadful Glare Range 60ft DC18 Wisdom save or frightened (failed by 5 or more and paralysed) until end of Varkade Noble’s next turn
  • Dominate ( as per spell) recharge 5-6

Legendary Actions

3 per round used in other creatures turns:

  • Rotting Fist Attack or Dreadful Glare attack
  • Blinding dust, DC18 Con or all within 10” blind until end of opponent's next turn
  • Blasphemous Word (2 action cost), all non-undead within 20” DC18 Cn save or blinded and deafened until end of Carakde Noble's next turn
  • Channel Negative Energy (2 action cost), all creatures within 120” (include behind walls and barriers) can’t regain HP until end of Mummy Lord’s next turn
  • Whirlwind of Sand (2 action cost), transforms into whirlwind of sand and moves 60” before reforming, is immune to all damage and physical conditions while in whirlwind

Lair Actions

On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the Carkade Noble takes a lair action to cause one of the following effects; the Carkade Noble can’t use the same effect two rounds in a row.

  • Each undead creature in the lair can pinpoint the location of each living creature within 120 feet of it until initiative count 20 on the next round.
  • Each undead in the lair has advantage on saving throws against effects that turn undead until initiative count 20 on the next round.
  • Until initiative count 20 on the next round, any non-undead creature that tries to cast a spell of 4th level or lower in the mummy lord’s lair is wracked with pain. The creature can choose another action, but if it tries to cast the spell, it must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it takes (1d6) necrotic damage per level of the spell, and the spell has no effect and is wasted.

Regional Effects

A Carkade Noble’s temple or tomb is warped in any of the following ways by the creature’s dark presence:

  • Food instantly molders and water instantly evaporates when brought into the lair. Other nonmagical drinks are spoiled — wine turning to vinegar, for instance.
  • Divination spells cast within the lair by creatures other than the mummy lord have a 25 percent chance to provide misleading results, as determined by the DM. If a divination spell already has a chance to fail or become unreliable when cast multiple times, that chance increases by 25 percent.
  • A creature that takes treasure from the lair is cursed until the treasure is returned. The cursed target has disadvantage on all saving throws. The curse lasts until removed by a remove curse spell or other magic.
  • If the Carkade Noble is destroyed, these regional effects end immediately.

Leaders of the Carkade Noble Houses, Carkade Nobles are well attired and see anything not as Carkade and not in servitude to them as something to be destroyed or reduced to the status of life long chattel.

Carkade Royalty

Medium undead, any evil
Armor Class: 22 (Natural Armour)
Hit Points: 270+
Speed: 40 ft , fly: 80 ft , swim: -3 ft


20 +5


9 -1


17 +3


17 +3


20 +5


23 +6

Saving Throws: Wisdom +11, Constitution +11, Intelligence +8, Charisma +11
  • History +8
  • Religion +8
  • Intimidation +11
  • Magic Resistance: Advantage vs spells and magical effects
  • Regeneration: 20 HP per round
  • Rejuvenation: If destroyed gains new body in 24 hours next to its heart
  • Undead Resistance: All damage reduced by 4
  • Damage Transference: As a reaction transfer up to 20HP damage to a bound target (may use reaction twice between turns)
Damage Vulnerabilities: Fire
Damage Resistances: Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing
Damage Immunities: Necrotic, Poison, Bludgeoning, piercing or slashing damage from non-magical
Condition Immunities: Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralysed, Poisoned
  • Darkvision 90"
  • Blind Sight
Languages: Common, Carkade, Elder

  • Cleric or Wizard 18+
  • DC 19
  • Spell Attack +19

At will:
  • Toll the Dead
  • Ray of Frost
  • Mold Earth
  • Dancing Lights
  • Chill Touch
  • Counterspell

  • Invisibility

  • Alter Self
  • Invisibility

  • Comprehend Languages
  • Shield
  • Detect Magic


  • Rotting Fist +10 5d6+4 plus 10d6 necrotic damage (DC19 Constitution save or mummy rot)
  • Dreadful Glare Range 90" DC19 Wisdom save with disadvantage or frightened (failed by 5 or more and paralysed) until end of Mummy Royal’s next turn
  • Dominate (as per spell cast at 24th level, disadvantage on save) recharge 3-6

Legendary Actions

3 per round used in other creatures turns:

  • Rotting Fist Attack or Dreadful Glare attack
  • Blinding dust, DC19 Con or all within 5” blind until end of opponent's next turn
  • Blasphemous Word (2 action cost), all non-undead within 10” DC18 Cn save or blinded until end of Mummy Lord’s next turn
  • Channel Negative Energy (2 action cost), all creatures within 60” (include behind walls and barriers) can’t regain HP until end of Mummy Lord’s next turn
  • Whirlwind of Sand (2 action cost), transforms into whirlwind of sand and moves 60” before reforming, is immune to all damage and physical conditions while in whirlwind

Lair Actions

On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the Carkade Royal takes a lair action to cause one of the following effects:

  • Each undead creature in the lair can pinpoint the location of each living creature within 120 feet of it until initiative count 20 on the next round and has advantage to attack.
  • Each undead in the lair has advantage on saving throws against effects that turn undead and any savings throw until initiative count 20 on the next round.
  • Until initiative count 20 on the next round, any non-undead creature that tries to cast a spell of 6th level or lower in the mummy lord’s lair is wracked with pain. The creature can choose another action, but if it tries to cast the spell, it must make a DC 19 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it takes (1d8) necrotic damage per level of the spell, and the spell has no effect and is wasted.

Regional Effects

A Carkade Royal's temple or tomb is warped in any of the following ways by the creature’s dark presence:

  • Food instantly molders and water instantly evaporates when brought into the lair. Other nonmagical drinks are spoiled — wine turning to vinegar, for instance.
  • Divination spells cast within the lair by creatures other than the Carkade Royal have a 75 percent chance to provide misleading results, as determined by the DM. If a divination spell already has a chance to fail or become unreliable when cast multiple times, that chance increases by 100 percent.
  • A creature that takes treasure from the lair is cursed until the treasure is returned. The cursed target has disadvantage on all saving throws, skill checks and attack rolls. The curse lasts until removed by a remove curse spell or other magic.
  • If the Carkade Royal is destroyed, these regional effects end immediately.

The Royal family of the last Emperor and Empress of Carkade, the Carkade Royals are adorned in only the finest of garb, dress and jewels.

Carkade Soldier CR: 3

Medium undead, any evil
Armor Class: 20 (Natural + Scale Armour)
Hit Points: 50
Speed: 40 ft


18 +4


9 -1


17 +3


8 -1


12 +1


13 +1

Saving Throws: Wisdom +4, Strength +7
  • Athletics +7
Damage Vulnerabilities: Fire
Damage Resistances: Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing
Damage Immunities: Necrotic, Poison, Bludgeoning, piercing or slashing damage from non-magical
Condition Immunities: Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralysed, Poisoned
  • Darkvision 60"
Languages: Common, Carkade, Elder
Challenge Rating: 3


Aura of Rot:

  • DC 14 Cn or mummy rot on any creature within 5” of a Carkade Soldier, when the Carkade Soldier damages an opponent
  • 2x Khopesh +7 2d8+4 + DC strength savings throw vs damage dealt or knocked prone
  • Dreadful Glare Range 60" DC13 wisdom or frightened (failed by 5 or more and paralysed) for round


Carkade Noble Legionnaire

Medium undead, any evil
Armor Class: 22 (Natural + Scale Armour + Runes)
Hit Points: 75+
Speed: 40 ft , climb: 20 ft


19 +4


10 +0


17 +3


9 -1


13 +1


14 +2

Saving Throws: Wisdom +5, Strength +8 (advantage of all strength savings throws)
  • Athletics +8
  • Perception +5
Damage Resistances: Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing
Damage Immunities: Necrotic, Poison, Bludgeoning, piercing or slashing damage from non-magical
Condition Immunities: Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralysed, Poisoned
  • Drakvision 60"
Languages: Common, Carkade, Elder

  • Triple distance with any jump
  • Can reroll a failed savings throw (3x between long rests)


  • 2x macuahuitl +8 2d12+4 + DC strength savings throw vs damage dealt or be incapacitated until same initiative score in next round
  • Fearsome gaze (Recharge 5-6) one opponent within 30" must make a DC 13 wisdom savings throw or be restrained until end of opponent's next turn
  • If Noble Legionnaire moves 10" and jumps before attacking, Noble Legionnaire gains advantage to hit with the first attack. If successful the attack counts as a critical hit
  • Regenerate, 1x per long rest Noble Legionnaire can use an additional action to regenerate 2d12+4 HP
  • Storming blade (recharge 6), Noble Legionnaire can add d12+4 lightning damage to successful strike


  • If an opponent within 5" takes damage from another creature, Noble Legionnaire can make an attack that deals d12+4 damage
  • Runic Parry, 3x per long rest if Noble Legionnaire is damaged, it can interrupt the damage and add d4 to its AC, and then resolve whether the Noble Legionnaire is damaged or not


Carkade Spartoi (Martial Archetype)

After returning to the common era, Carkade Magicians who have relinked with Ammutseba have harnessed the aura of the Time Void and necrotic energy syphoned from Ammutseba, to raise the bones of fallen Carkade to raise a new generation of undead Spartoi warriors.   Spartois harness this unique dark magical amalgam to strike harder and faster than other Carkade warriors.  
hit dice: 2d10 + constitution bonus
hit points at 1st level: 22
hit points at higher levels: d10+3
armor proficiencies: All armour types
weapon proficiencies: All martial weapons
tools: All weapons wielded by Spartoi count as magical
saving throws: Dexterity, Strength
skills: Stealth, Acrobatics, Athletics
starting equipment:
2x martial melee weapons

4x javelins
class features:
Armour Class 19 (natural 12 + dex + breastplate)
  Strength 13 (+1)
Dexterity 16 (+3)
Constitution 17 (+3)
Intelligence 8 (-1)
Wisdom 10 (+0)
Charisma 8 (-1)
  Damage Vulnerabilities bludgeoning
Damage Immunities poison, necrotic
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned
Senses 60" darkvision
Languages understands Carkade but can't speak
  Level 1 Phase link
In preparation for linking with a Phase companion, Spartoi undergo a ritual to link them to the phase energy of the Time Void. As a reaction, a Spartoi links with the Time Void, partially phasing out and increasing their AC by their proficiency bonus. Additionally, a Spartoi exploits this link to the Time void and floats at the edge of probabillity, gaining +1 to hit and damage rolls.   Level 2 Phase companion
A Spartoi companion from the Time Void can be summoned to to assist the Carkade Spartoi and fight by its side. When taking the attack option, the Spartoi can replace one of its attacks with command to its Phase Companion to attack another creature within 30". The Phase Companion flies out and strikes with supreme quickness, bypassing all defences and dealing d6 magical slashing damage. This increases to d8 damage at 4th level and d10 damage at 8th level.   Level 3 Phase confusion
When the Phase companion deals damage, it extracts phase energy that infusions the Spartoi. The Spartoi gains one of the following abilities for 1 minute:
  • Amp, infused with greater strength and accuracy, all weapon attacks deal d4 additional damage
  • Hasten, infused with greater speed, speed increases by 10"
  • Harden, infused with greater strength, AC increases by 1
The Spartoi can have a maximum number of infusions equal to half proficiency bonus. If another infusion is gained at the maximum number of infusions, the oldest is replaced   Level 5 Phase Forged
The link to the Phase companion has augmented the Spartoi. The Spartoi now has a long jump of 40" and a high jump of 25", with or without a running start and falling damage is reduced by Spartoi level + profieincy bonus. Additionally the Spartoi now has resistance to non-magical slashing or piercing damage, and is non longer vulnerable to bludgeoning damage.   Level 7 Phase Evolution
The Phase companion has gained so much energy from the phase energy of the time void it gains one of the following powers:
  • Horned, damage dealt by the Phase companion increases by proficiency bonus +1
  • Swift, the range of the Phase companion's attack range extends to 60"
  • Armoured, the first time an opponet is struck by the Phase companion, the oppoent must make a strength saving throw of DC 8 + proficiency bonus + dex or strength modifier, or be knocked prone
Level 9, Aerial master
The link to the Phase companion has further augmented the Spartoi. The Spartoi now has a long jump of 50" and a high jump of 30", with or without a running start and falling damage is reduced by Spartoi level + 2x proficiency bonus. When successfully hitting an opponent immediately after a long jump or high jump, the Spartoi's level is added to the damage   Level 10 Phase Evolution
The Spartoi has gained much phase energy from its connection to the time void and once between short rests it can take an additional action and become incorporeal gaining the following until the end of its next turn:
  • can move through solid objects or creatures (including moving through creatures' spaces), treating these spaces as difficult terrain.
  • take d10 force damage if they end their turn inside an object or creature
  • Are immune to all non magical bludgeoning, slashing or piercing damage
  • Resistant to all other types of damage, except phantom energy or force energy damage
  • Any attacks made by the Spartoi have the same penalties, except for attacks made by the Phase companion
  Level 12, Phase Rush
As a bonus action, when a Spartoi is using an ability that is infused from phase energy, all effects are tripled for 1 minute. This cannot be used again until a long rest
subclass options:


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