Zoc Merr Rebellion

Zoc Merr is native of Talinessee, former Golden Empire of who formerly served in the ancillary forces of the Helegu Khaganate occupying force. A lead ranger, at some point during his term of military service, Zoc Merr deserted in 1468 and over time gathered a band of marauders around him. He carried out many minor raids and using his experience of the Helegu military, he organised his ever-growing following into distinct units, to the point where he commanded an effective armed force.   A political turning-point for Zoc Merr came when occupants of the regional capital Tadrem Zirr in southern Talinessee, overthrew their rulers in 1474 and accepted him as their paramount leader, officially launching the Zoc Merr rebellion against the Helegu.   The initial successes of Zoc Merr rebellion inspired many other regional uprisings in southern Talinessee, with the city of Teronel falling to rebels in 1477 and the city of Sulos Dand rioting in 1478 driving out the occupying army, before the rebels were driven out and the city reoccupied in 1479.   Three Helegu Princes and four Helegu Viceroys have been killed since the official start of the rebellion.  More than twenty thousand soldiers have been killed in hit and run strikes and both sides have lost more than forty thousand in a series of battles since the fall of Tadrem Zirr.  The Helegu are currently amassing their forces east and north of the contested regions, but with much of the Helegu armies tied up in the Blue Host - Silver Host Civil War, amassing sufficient forces to quell the rebellion have been slow going, giving further fuel to the rebellious fire among other Talinessee inhabitants.


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