Helegu Khaganate

A powerful empire that rules a large portion of northern and central Hadean. The Helegu are currently divided into seperate, warring "Hosts", each with their own Khan.   The Khaganate stretched from the cold steppes in the north, then south across grasslands, plains, deserts to the tropical savanna. It is often referred to by the Helegu as the “Land under the Eternal Blue Sky”.   The Golden Host was torn apart 10 years ago after 20 years of nonstop brutality. Its territories are now contested over by a vast number of different contenders and Helegu factions.   The Blue Host is currently expanding, primarily into territories of the other Hosts and is now in full scale war with the Silver Host.   A failed coup attempt against the Silver Host Khan sent the failed coup leaders running into the arms of the expanding Blue Host. These pretenders to the Silver Host Khanate have thrown their lot in with the Blue Host, who have used this as a pretext for invasion of the Silver Host, citing the softness and weakness of the Silver Host and their betrayal of the Helegu way.


  • Khagan - Ruler over more than one Khan and rules over a Khaganate
  • Khan - Ruler over more than one tribal chief and rules over a Khanate
  • Viceroy - Ruler of a conquered territory, acts as deputy of the Khan. All tribute to the Khan flows through the Viceroy, who is also ensures no no nation takes action contrary to the interests of the Khan Governor - Responsible for day to day running of lands, in lieu of a king or local ruler
  • General - Responsible for leadership of an army of the Khan
  • Ambassador - High ranking representative empowered to speak on behalf of the Khan in certain matters of war, trade and tribute
  • Emissary - A representative sent on an errand or mission with specific delegated powers relating to that mission
  • Sub-Emissary - Deputy to an Ambassador or Emissary
  • Consul - An official who looks after commercial or citizen welfare
  • Agent - Any representative empowered to act on behalf of a higher ranking official
  • Legate - Assistant to a General, Consul, Emissary or Ambassador
  • Magistrate - A representative charged with the administration of the Pax Helegeus


A powerful confederation of nomadic tribes that were united under a great leader Khagan Temir 300 years ago. Over the next 200 years the Helegu consolidated a huge inland khaganate obliterating and subjugating many civilisations and tribes, both human and non-human. Tens of millions million were killed during these years.   Upon the death of Mengu-Timur Khagan on the Erensari 135 years ago the confederacy broke up due to internal divisions, ongoing insurgencies, constant rebellion and a series of rolling coups. After 50 years of bloody chaos five great hosts emerged 80 years ago to rule a collective khaganate reduced in size:  
  • Blue Host (Jumulkha Khan), capital is the great tent city of Onon
  • Roaring Host (Tocave Khan)
  • Silver Host (Kuju Khan)
  • Burning Host (Tangut Khan)
  • Golden Host (Damed Khan), last ruler killed 10 years ago

Demography and Population

Human 150m
Elven 5m
hobgoblin legions 10m
Dwarven 5m
Gnomes 3m
Halflings 1m
Other hominds 5m

Foreign Relations

The Helegu extract annual tribute from all client states and tribes.   Civilised areas are collected in territories under the control of a Viceroy.   A Viceroy is responsible for ensuring tribute flows to the Khan, that the client people do nothing against the interests of the Khan and to demonstrate Helegu power to constantly remind the locals of who is boss.   Day to day administration is client Kings & rulers, or to a Governor appointed by the Helegu. The appointment of any client king or ruler can only be made with the consent of Viceroy. Governors typically rule where the local leaedership has been detroyed by the Helegu and in areas the Helegu wish to rule directly.   The intelligence network of the Helegu is unmatched among human dominated nations.   Client Nomadic Tribes
  • Emen
  • Ceva
  • Sutu
  • Huvec
  • Vevesi
  • Kelosi
  • Gimu
  • Blue Catar
  • Inini
  • Busuqi
Roaring Host Client Nations: Blue Host Client Nations: Silver Host Client Nations: Burning Host Client Nations:
  • Eastern Paracer
  • Valco Hobgoblin legions
  • Gideon Hobgoblin Legions

Chosen under the Blue Sky

Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The Helegu
Leader Title
Government System
Power Structure
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

Official trade deals exist with Blue Host Helegu

Treonol population regard Helegu as savages

No open declaration of hostilities, increasing number of border skirmishes

Hostile, but not openly at war

Jydengiss are subjects of the Blue Host Helegu


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